The sickness chapter

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"Wake up... wake up... wake up wake up wake up!" I felt my older brother poking me in the side as he tried to get me up. I tried to ignore him but he kept poking me harder and harder.

"No... leave me be, moron" I hit him in the face with a pillow

"Ow! And nope, no can do. I have to go into work and mom said I had to make sure you're awake before I go"

"Uhg, fine! Am I allowed to leave the appartment building?"

"Yeah, sure whatever," he sighed "I'll see you tonight" he walked out of my room, and out the front door. My older brother, Keith, goes to a nearby college and then works a part time job to help mom keep us going. He gets on my nerves, but he really isn't a bad brother.

After laying in my bed for an hour I decided it would be best to not leave. I didn't really need to go anywhere, and, to be honest, I didn't want too. I was feeling kind of... sick. I walked into the livingroom to sit on the couch when I heard my phone go off. I had a text from Peter that said: "Hey Y/N! I was wondering if I could come over. I'm bored"

"Well that's ok, except for I might be getting sick. Enter if you dare!" I laughed and sent him a message when my mom called.


"Hey sweetheart, I'm covering Lindsey's shift so I won't be home until 9" she sighed apologetically.

"Its alright mom, see ya later" I hung up. I had another text from Peter.

"That's ok, need anything? I can come take care of you if you want"

What did I do to deserve him? "That would be great actually, and I don't need anything,"

"Ok, I'll be there soon," I smiled at my phone. I almost wasn't bothered by my sore throat, stuffy nose, fever, thr overwhelming tiredness...

I don't know how long I was out, but I woke up to Peter knocking on my door, "Hey Y/N, you in there?" He called out. I shuffled over to the door wrapped up in my favorite blanket.

"Hey..." I smiled as I open the door, my voice making it painfully obvious I was sick.

"Oh hey! Wow you sound-"


"I was going to say fantastic"

"Ok sure," I laughed and pointed at the thermos in his hand, "What's that?"

"I know you said you didn't want anything, but I got you some peppermint tea, because I know it's your favorite," he smiled and handed it to me.

"Aww, thank you!" I sat on the couch and sipped the tea. The warmth soothed my aching throat. I turned on the tv to some random channel that was having a Disney marathon. I started a sneezing fit, causing Peter to scramble around the appartment to find tissues.

"Catch!" He tossed me the box and it hit me in the head.


"Sorry..." he sat down and I ruffled his hair.

"Its ok," I laughed "So what did you do today?" I already knew, but he didn't know I knew, you know?

"I... uh... had internship work..." Sure

"Nice, I didn't do much, I just got some homework done and did some art..."

"Sounds fun..." he sounded like he questioned every word I said. Was he on to me? "Can I...uh...see your art?" Oh no.

"Uh... yeah... sure totally!" I went to my room and got my sketchbook showing him a sketch that I had never shown anyone.

"Wow that's pretty cool," he smiled, I smiled back.

"Thanks," I put the book on the coffee table and sat back down. I curled up on the couch and continued to drink my tea. I kind of wish I could just tell him, you know? But I can't. I don't need him worrying about me. At the same time... I know his secret, it's only fair honestly.

"Hey, Y/N? You ok?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah," I mumbled "Just tired" I smiled weakly.

"Ok..." he seemed like he didn't believe me. I had the feeling he wasn't mentally present. But to be fair, neither was I. He seemed to keep watching me, like he was suspicious of something.

"Hey, Y/N?" He cut off my train of thought. "Are you... The Blizzard?"

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