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It's been a few months since the illness incident. Homecoming came and went. (I didn't go, Peter went with Liz, then Peter fought her dad and now she's gone), so did fall break. Which mostly consisted of me and my friends going to one of our houses every day. It was finally time for one of my favorite holidays: Halloween.

I've already picked out my costume, since we can wear one to school. I'm dressing up as Rapunzel because she's my favorite Disney princess. I'm honestly really excited about it. My stuff came I'm today (my wig and dress) and I actually feel like I looked really good. I thought about being Elsa, but I felt like that was a little on the nose. I have a week until I get to use it though and that's upsetting.

After putting on my costume for the eighth time I realized my friends were texting.

So after school on the 31st then?

Well yeah that is Halloween

Ned Skywalker:
OoOo attitude in the MJ corner

Why? What?

Ned Skywalker:
You finally joined the conversation. We're having a Halloween party
on Halloween. Peter's. Be there.


After that fiasco I decided to change back into my normal clothes and get some food.

"Hey small annoying child what are you doing?" My brother asked from the couch.

"Getting food. I need sustenance dork,"

"You're the one who referred to food as sustenance, but ok I'm the dork," he laughed and moved over to the kitchen table. I slapped the back of his head and sat down with my bowl of animal crackers.

"So, how's things with Delilah?" I made sure to be as sing song-y as possible when I said his girlfriend's name.

"Its great, and you and Peter?" He smirked.

"Me and Peter are just friends, so how is our relationship comparable to yours and Delilah's? It isn't and therefore is irrelevant," I smiled wide and ate a cracker.

"You clearly liked him,"

"Yeah, did. I realized it would never work. So I moved on." It's true. I realized I would never have the strength to ask him myself and I absolutely hated moping around so I moved on. I had my heart set on this guy in my biology class, (Crush/Name). He's so sweet and smart, and we had great chemistry when we had to do a project together. He made me excited for that class.


Today's the day! It's Halloween! I was practically screeching in my bedroom as I got ready for school. I didn't care I looked like I was getting ready for my first day as a cast member at Disney World. I was too excited about my costume. I even wore makeup which I never do. That just proves how much this ment to me.

When I got to school I was greeted with weird looks from everyone except my friends, who were also in costume. Peter was Tony Stark, Ned was Darth Vader, and MJ was a leaf blower, basically she had a hat and taped a peice of string with a leaf on the end to the bill of the hat. I loved their costumes so much.

"Y/N! Oh my gosh you look like an actual princess!" Ned gasped. I laughed and shook my head. We talked about our party then went our separate ways.

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