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I'll explain how I got to this point. About 11 months ago, I met youtuber Colby Brock at a Taco Bell. Very romantic, I know. I didn't know who he was, and I honestly didn't care either. I noticed he was giving me looks every so often while we were in there but I didn't think anything of it until he sat across from me in my booth. I was confused but a little intrigued by the blue eyed brunette.

The first thing I noticed were his eyes, then his nail polish, then the rings, then the smile. We made eye contact, which was my first mistake. It's easy to get lost in his blue eyes. I tried to keep my guard up as usual though, i've been hurt too many times that I tend to push people away before I even get to know them. But some how Colby was able to hit my soft spot in every way. I let my guard down for him, which was my second mistake. And my third mistake, giving him my number. We talked and hung out for a good month or two before he finally asked me out.

I still remember when he told me about his youtube channel and his fans. We had been talking for about 2 weeks and he had invited me to a party at the traphouse. I ubered to the house and I was completely shocked at how big it was, Colby saw my confusion and explained everything to me. He said my reaction was cute. I was definitely shocked but was happy for him and thought it was super cool. I remember when people started finding out about me and getting skeptical if we were dating or not. I got tagged in so many of his fans pages once they found my account. It was cute. I remember the nice comments, and the hate comments when we told his fans we were together. I remember my following on instagram going from 2,000 to 40,000 in the span of a week. I didn't like or want the attention but I knew i'd have to get used to it if I wanted to be with Colby. I didn't want people thinking I was only with him because of his fame obviously since that wasn't the case.

I got used to the attention and even started a youtube channel because a lot of his fans wanted to get to know me. They started to be super nice to me once they realized Colby and I were gonna be together for a while. Colby has given me so many amazing opportunities and has brought so much positivity into my life. Before him I was a mess. My parents didn't really talk to me, I was living in an apartment with one of my friends Avery but we were starting to drift because she was never home. I wasn't able to go to college because I couldn't afford it, and I worked at a In-n-out. Being with Colby got me a job doing what I love. I got signed to Capital Records when they saw a video of me singing that his fans were tagging them in. So many of his fans started to support me and what I was doing. It was sweet and felt good to know that people cared about me. I've met so many amazing people through Colby, like Jake, Sam, and Kat etc. Colby has had such a big impact on my life in just the past 11 months and I don't know what I'd do without him. But I guess I better figure out what i'm gonna do without him now because after tonight, I don't know how I could after go back to him. He cheated on me.

I'm really bad at ending chapters i'm sorry!! Hope you enjoyed though:))

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