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I wake up in the small enclosed of my closet as my alarm echos in the small area twice as loud as normal. I groan as I reach for the door knob letting it open as I hit the hard ground. My eyes close tightly as I grab my head. Fuck you too alcohol.
I stand up as every bone in my body cracks. My back is stiff from the angle I blacked out in. I look at the glass on the floor leaving it there. I stumble into my bathroom and brush my teeth. I look in the mirror as I apply concealer around my eyes trying to mask the puffiness along with the dark bags that follow it. I apply mascara and walk into my closet that's connected to the bathroom. I pull out my uniform and pull it over my head. It's your typical knee length 'diner' dress. And the shoes are nude flats that give me blisters if I wear them for more than 8 hours, which with my 12 shifts suck ass. I put bandaids on my ankles and slip them on. I grab my worn back and throw my phone with some cash. I lock my apartment and head the stairs. I walk by the front desk waving Cherry bye trying to flash her a smile. She waves back as I walk down the street to the Bob's Burger Diner and Shake Shack. The air is cool and smells of grilled food and alcohol as I'm in downtown Chicago. I keep my head down and walk a little faster. I never felt safe walking these streets alone. I push the metal door open as the bell above me rings. I walk to the back and find my small locker. I shove my back in there and wrap my small white apron over me.
"Lumi." I hear behind me. I turn around to be met with one of my only friends.
"Tierra." I breathe out flashing her a closed lip smile.
"Girl, what's wrong? You look like a dump truck ran you over for an hour." She says worried. I close my eyes trying to not cry anymore. I know this is her way of speaking but sometimes it's too much.
"Nothing important. School just has me stressed." I say as I grab my little notepad and pen. She doesn't respond as I go to the small touchscreen pad and clock in. My area of the restaurant is empty as I wait for the lunch rush to come in as they rudely ask for their normal lunch. I stay in the back looking out the small window as I zone out letting my mind drift.
I'm brought back when I hear Bob shouting at me.
"Aye, Lumi! Get your ass out there. You have customers." He says behind the line flipping burgers.
I look over and see a group of boys a little older than me. I sigh and walk over to their table.
"Hello! I'm Lumi and I'll be your server today. Can I start you off with any pop?"
The boy on my left side looks up and smiles at me.
"Coke please." He says cheerfully.
The boy beside him says quietly, "Dr. Pepper."
"Mt. Dew ma'm" Boy in the right corner says lowly.
I nod my head as I write them down on my notepad not looking up.
"Shirley Temple with a cherry on top." A familiar voice says. The order alone let me know exactly who it was. I look up from my notepad as he looks at me with the same 'what-the-hell' expression to Caleb. I clear my throat and nod my head.
"I'll be right back, if you have any questions just let me know." I say as I feel breathing starting to pick up. I walk to the back and close my eyes by the drink machine. I tend to close my eyes when it hurts sometimes. I take a few deep breathes as I fill up the cups. I make Caleb's Shirley temple. I refuse to let him know how much he affected me. I put them on a tray and bring it to them. I pass out all of the drinks.
"Are you guys ready to order?" I ask pulling out my notepad smiling making sure to not look at Caleb no matter how much I want to look at him. Just once. They all nod. I look at the boy in the left corner to cue him to start.
"I'll have a cheeseburger with grilled onions beautiful." He says winking at me. I turn a couple shades dark in the cheeks and look at the boy next to him.
"Cheeseburger with no ketchup please." He says. Both of them are cute and polite I think as I look at the boy next to Caleb.
"Cheeseburger with extra lettuce." He says not glancing in my direction. Okay dick I think in my head. I look down as I wait for Caleb to tell me his order not wanting to look at him. He clears his throat.
"Actually I'm gonna dip for a bit, I'll meet up with you boys at my place?" He says standing. I take note of the Northern slang he's picked up since he moved here making my heart clench. I take a step backward. He hands me a 20 as I pluck it from his fingers with two fingers.
"Keep the change." He mumbles walking out the door ignoring everyone and everything. I take a breathe and smile at the group of boys.
"I'll be back as soon as they're done." They all mumble Thank You's as I hand Bob their orders when I get back to the kitchen. I wait in the back and close my eyes trying to compose myself. Even seeing him for this small bit has ruined me and every bit of my walls I'm trying to rebuild.

Someone You Loved ; Caleb FinnOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora