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Getting accepted to my dream college.
The time I broke my arm during marching band.
Becoming the best goalie in the my home state.
How I fell in love with reading.
I've been filling my notepad with ideas but none of them are good to me. I tap my pencil repeatedly as I sigh quietly. My tea is now cold as the water and syrup start to separate again. I swallow deeply as my mind wanders to a new subject.

Meeting my ex best friend.

It's the perfect plot. It pulls the reader in. Attaches the reader to the antagonist. Only for them to rip the protagonist apart. It's heart-wrenching. String pulling....Devastating.
It has to be fictional but it relates to me. Could I write it? Am I stable enough to write it? The thought alone makes my stomach clench. I stand and grab my cup as I head to my kitchen. I pour my cold tea down the drain and put the cup in the dishwasher. I massage my temples as all of this overthinking on an empty stomach is making my head pound.

a/n; I know this isn't much. But I'd rather upload super small updates more consistently...I'm extremely sorry for the long wait. I've been so busy and tired and tbh my writers block is unreal. I'll try to get back on the grind but I only have my phone to update on. :( thank you so much for all the love and support. It's unreal <3
Maddie xoxo

Someone You Loved ; Caleb FinnWhere stories live. Discover now