Backstory + debrief

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I'm based in Australia, the debate on whether I am in a country that exists or not is still widely argued yet unfortunately government secrets are not mine to tell.

But seeing I live here, it will have an effect how comprehensive my writing is so for all you out there that aren't Aussies, listen up for some history lessons.

• The school system •

In Victoria at least, the average school day is from 8:50am - 3:00pm. It goes like this;

- pastoral (a bullshit 15 minute period at the beginning of the day for general announcements, notices etc.)
- periods 1 and 2 (70 minute classes from electives you choose.)
- recess
- period 3 (same situation as the other periods.)
- lunch
- period 4 (again, 70 minute class.)

And then home time. This school structure is the one I'm using in this story so if you ever get confused you can refer back to this.

High school consists of 6 years, year 7-12.

We don't have middle school here or all this freshman, senior bull crap. Just numbers. So year 12, for example, is typically 17 turning 18.

• Cars •

Honesty don't let me get too into this one. By 16 we have our learners permit. Meaning we can drive but need at least one adult with a license at all times.

After 18 we go into the red and green P plates which have their own sets of rules but I shouldn't be getting into that in the story.

In Australia the expectation isn't that all 16 year olds have their own cars because legally we shouldn't have driven outside our own property before that age. So the main modes of transportation is public buses and trains (I'll go ahead and say that they are terrifyingly bad especially for young women in some places) and walking.

• University •

Australia has a fricken great uni system. No getting all drowned in debts and unpaid loans.

Basically if you are an Australian citizen, going to an Australian uni, the government gives you a loan - meaning your student fees are taken care of. You start paying the money back little by little after you have a secure job that pays more than a certain salary per year.

This means you have enough to keep you alive and uni payments are a second priority. I might dive deeper into this in the book. But, I might not.

• Legal stuff •

We are legally allowed to drink by 18 in Australia by ourselves. And then 16 at restaurants when a guardian is there and you have a meal in front of you.

This means people in high school can drink by the end of it legally. It isn't 21. It's 18.

I won't say I don't condone underage drinking because I kind of do. I would be immensely hypocritical if I denied this. But that isn't to say underage drinking is ok in excessive amounts.

Or any drinking in that case.

But a sip or two barely hurt anybody.

Weed and other drugs are illegal, that is nationwide. So all drug activities are on the wrong side of the law. The system Australia has for dealing with heroin addicts and others alike is fantastic but I won't really dive into that because it's irrelevant to the book.

Just know I'm prideful about it.

And finally, guns. We don't have them, haven't since a mass shooting in Tasmania and honestly the gun culling is one of the best things that happened to us.

There still are guns for farming of course but it is illegal to possess a firearm without a shit ton of licenses on you. Automatic guns are a huge no as well, even for those licensed for gun use.

If you have a gun it is generally on farmland and you must store them in two different safes, one for ammo and one for the empty gun so people can't just grab it and go or rob someone of theirs.

I hugely appreciate this law because we haven't had an issue with gun violence since. No one argue with me on this, just stating the straight facts.

Before you start reading, I decided to add a few of my favourite songs at the moment for no reason at all other than I believe more people should listen to them.

Hold me - Teskey Brothers

Seaweed - Hockey Dad

Brother - Thundermentals (Like a Version cover)


Come and get your love - Redbone

Talk - Khalid

Broke - Samm Henshaw

Vigilante - Josh Tarp and the Still

Moon River - Frank Ocean (cover)

Let's fall in love for the night - FINNEAS

Lost in you - Khai Dreams

Gangsta's paradise - Coolio

Radio - Lana Del Rey

Nightmares - Easy Life


Ok! That's it from me, enjoy.

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