Audrey... more like SNORE-drey, am I right?

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Harpers POV

I worked Wednesday, and Thursday. Nothing out of the ordinary occurred.

Mum called again, and again, and again. I just sat through her calls.

Now it's Friday.

Friday morning.

Oh fuck. Oh shit.

Friday morning.

My eyes fly open and I leap out of bed.

"Oh geez. Oh god. This isn't good."

I run to the dirty pile of clothes on the floor by my bed and yank them on. Realise the top's inside out. Pull it off and put it on again.

No bra? Fuck it.

I glance at the digital clock in the kitchen. 8:49am.

"Dammit." I mutter under my breath.

I grab an apple on my way out, chomping down on it as I speed walk in the direction of school.

I plant the apple in my mouth to hold it and set out on untangling my earphones, shaking the knots out aggressively.

I get to school with 20 minutes of power walking and increased adrenaline levels.

When I get into the hallway, it's empty. I grab my things and opt into going to the office to sign in, instead of risking a absence.

"Hi, can I sign in?"

"That's what the reception office is here for." Lisa replies sarcastically.

"Lisa, you're sixty, sarcastic remarks don't look as good on you as they did thirty years ago."

"This red lip does though, doesn't it?" She smiled, typing my details into the computer.

Lisa used to babysit my mum for some extra cash some thirty five years ago, they'd been friends ever since. Now that Lisa works at my school, coming in late has been exponentially easier.

"What's the excuse you're thinking of today?" She questioned.

"Just the usual 'missed bus' I think Lis. If it's okay I'll go now, I want to be there for the start of class." I say making my way to the door slowly.

"Oh actually Harper, we have a new student who's paperwork is just getting finished up, if you give him a tour I'll mark you present for this period." Lisa says hopefully.

"Sure thing, where should I go?"

"Just to the principals office, love."

"Alright then, see ya Lis."

"Bye H."

I wave at her as I exit the office and walk through the hallway to the head offices, hitching my bag up on my shoulder. Calm now that being late is no longer a threat.

I knock on the door lightly, opening it to see my principal standing up with two men, one my age, the other presumably his father.

"Uh, hi. Lisa from the front office sent me to give the new fella a tour of the school." I say somewhat shakily to the trio.

There's a possibility that all the testosterone hitting me in face was intimidating.

"Oh, I already called Audrey to give the tour, I suppose you two can do it together. If that's alright with Ryan here." Mr Rolls states.

I involuntarily groan quietly at the sound of Audrey's name. But smile and nod anyway.

"Of course, sir."

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