You can shoot all the Mockingbirds you want, but it's a sin to kill a Bluebird

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Harpers POV

"Yeah. Yep. Yuh-huh. Ok. Bye mum. Of course. Yep. Yes. Bye now. Ok, bye."

A deep sigh of relief escapes my lungs as I finally find the opportunity to hang up the phone.

Chucking a quick glance at the time on my screen, I feel a quick siege of panic race through me, residing in my stomach.

I pull my hair up in a lumpy, rushed ponytail and jog over to the counter.

"Hey Lisa, take breakfast off my pay check, I don't have any cash on me."

"No worries H, see you after school."

"If I don't get kept for tardy-ness." I try to joke but the real-ness of the statement causing another rush of anxiety.

"Ok! I've gotta go." I exclaim and rush to the door, bumping into someone on the way out.

"Ah, shit. Sorry that was my bad." I stumble out, barely slowing down my pace.

"N-no worries. No worries at all." The boy replied as I kept on walking. Not even looking at his face.

I jog down the street, and around the corner to the park. I look at the time again, calming down slightly that the path took me half the time it usually does.

I get to the front gate after the bell for pastoral has already rung, always willing to skip it anyway that didn't bother me too much.

I walk quickly to my locker, standing alone in the empty hallway gathering my books for my first period class.

The bell rings out and the classrooms empty, I set off on my way to class, merging with a friend and playing off the situation.

"Wag again?" Lily asks.

I sigh. "Yeah.. but it honestly wasn't my fault this time. I'd blame it on my mum, she called again, not able to stand the fact she left me alone in this country or something."

"Oh come on H, it wasn't voluntary. You know this."

"Yeah I do, I just don't find myself missing people all that bad. And two calls a day doesn't help."


"Who do you have?"

"Ugh, Miles. You?"

"Smith-o, the legend himself." I laugh.

"Jealous, like all the times you brag about having him."

"You should be." I sing out before separating.

School ends and I set off once again to the Bluebird, where I work. The uniqueness and friendliness of the place draws people in, but the atmosphere of music from all times and menu to fit is what keeps them there. Me included.

"Lisa! I'm back."

"H! Hey girly. Go get changed, it's a busy afternoon."

"Sure thing." I say and enter the staff bathroom, swapping my school uniform for my work one.

"Alright, what tables?" I ask Lisa after I return.

"Um, two outside - 12 and 17," she replies, studying her notebook. "Oh and number 9 down the back, start with them, they've been waiting."

"On it." I say, hustling my way to the other side of the building.

I clear my throat. "Hi, welcome to the Bluebird, are we ready to order?"

The two men at the table just stare at me, one with an unreadable expression, almost guilt, the other, older one with disapproval.

I let out a short nervous laugh, "Would you like to start with drinks?" I question.

"Two cokes." The older man says shortly.

"Of course." I smile and turn around, only slightly disappointed that they didn't order the cokes through the title of 'brown caffeinated bubbles' displayed on the menu as most customers enjoy doing. The regulars opting for BCB.

I take the outside tables orders before returning to the indoor one.

"Two br-," I stop myself. "Cokes. Anything to eat?"

"I mean she'll beesshy." The older man grumbles under his breathe.

"Excuse me?" I inquire.

"Be easy." Was the response as the younger boy he was with looks away, uncomfortable.

"I don't quite understand, would you like to order some food?"

"No, thanks." The younger one speaks up.

"O-k." I say, spinning on my heel.

"At least she's hot." I think I hear the old man say. I almost turn back around and punch the geezer in the face but opt to keep my job, I don't even know who exactly he is referring to.

As the day wears on, table number 9 gets a fresh set of customers and the odd looks and comments of its old residents lose their spot in my memory.

"I'm going to clock out now Lisa, is that ok?"

"Of course honey! Go get some rest."

"Thanks," I get out, tired from standing up so long. "I'll see you Thursday?"

"Oh I meant to ask if you could come in tomorrow as well, Andy called in sick and he is my Wednesday Worker."

"It's all good, at some point I needed to break the T girl title you gave me." I answer back, referring to the Tuesday and Thursday's I work.

I gather my things, changing back into my school uniform so I could leave my work clothes here before leaving.

I set off on my way home, the opposite direction from my school.

I listen to the wind going through trees and occasional passing of a car. There are two men arguing across the street.

One of them shouting 'you can't do that' and 'listen to me, there are other ways' with the other denying the statements.

The nosey part of me wants to linger and discover the cause of conflict but the rest of my brain forces steps to be made until the voices are out of earshot.

When I get home I dump my bag by the door and lock it behind me, travelling to the kitchen and popping down on the bench.

"What the fuck am I doing?" I sigh to myself before getting up again and moving to my room, staying there for the rest of the night.

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