I said no boys - they have cooties

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His lips were soft, going slowly. Never intruding my own.

Everything's quiet for those few short seconds before I break apart. Then I hear people cheering.

Comments rewarding him explode from around us, embarrassed, I bury my face in his solid chest.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Noah whispers into my hair.

I give him a nod and we both stand up, never fully detaching our bodies.

We wander over into an empty, dimly lit corner. The sun had gone down a while ago so the only light we received was that of the cafe lights strung from tree to tree.

"Nighttime is my favourite time." I express. "There's so much tranquility and peace. And the stars are always so beautiful."

Noah's looking at me.

"You're beautiful." He returns, and then my blush returns.

"Always the charmer."

"Have you ever smoked before?" He asks after a brief pause.



"Once or twice."

"Do you want to."

Do I want to? I suppose I've only had a few beers, and even those are wearing off. I don't want my night to be over.

"Sure." I agree, and he pulls out a joint and a lighter from his pocket, bringing it to his lips before extending it to me.

I take a deep breath in, allowing the smoke to rest in my lungs for a few beats before exhaling slowly to avoid a coughing fit.

We pass the joint back and forth a few times before I get spacey.

"Thank you for letting me come." I vocalise after a few minutes in silence.

Noah stubs the butt out to extinguish the ember before replying.

"Thanks for coming."

I go up and hug him, "I love nights like this so much." I reveal.

"Me too."

I pull away and look at him for what seems like the first time. He has dark skin, yet very faint freckles litter his cheeks and nose. His brown eyes have flecks of green dancing throughout them.

I want to kiss him.

He beats me to it.

As soon as our lips are reunited, I'm pressed up against the wooden fence encasing his yard. Sandwiched between his body and the hard surface behind me.

This kiss isn't as intimate and sweet as the first one we shared. It's more animalistic and hungry. My lips part to let out a small moan and Noah's tongue darts in, massaging my own.

His hands are on my hips, then face, then bottom. Encouraging me to jump up.

My fingers have locked themselves into his hair, running through the silky strands, tugging ever so slightly as I jump up and loop my legs around him.

"Your room?" I gasp, pulling away for a second and he nods, breaths coming out in short pants.

We lock hands and he speedily directs us to the door, on the way I spot Lily, talking with a few girls, sipping UDL's.

"Lily." I start, aware of my flushed face and swollen lips. "I might not be going home tonight. You know where my spare key is, use it if you need to. Don't wait up." I rush out. Eager to get back to Noah.

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