Part-time partier

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Ugh. Lunchtime, finally.

I grab a sandwich from my bag and jog over the the opposite side of the locker room to where Lily was pulling things out of her bag.

"But it's just that his hair was so shiny Lils." I greet her with.

"Are we still in this guy H? Seriously?"

"His skin! Lily, he skin looks so smooth. And his hair." I state dreamily.

"Look I haven't seen him yet, but this Ryan character doesn't seem like all that."

"Ryan? Are you kidding me. No. I'm talking about Noah. I thought that was obvious."

"Right, Noah?" Lily says whilst rolling her eyes.

And I was talking about Noah, shiny black hair with mocha coloured skin. God he was cute.

"His voice is so deep Lily. So very deep."

By this point we were sitting down under a big Eucalyptus tree outside, munching on our sustenance.

"Great personality too." Lily says sarcastically. Sure the personality could be improved a tweak, but he is so dreamy.

"So dreamy, blahdy blah." Lily continues. "You're just boy crazy, Noah wouldn't be good for you. Your IQ is too high for him."


" You are so right." A new voice enters causing me to whip my head around.

Cue spit take.

"No she isn't! I would help him with his homework or something!" I exclaim.

"What?" A surprised looking Ryan expresses. "I was talking about Audrey being a psychopath."

"Oh yeah, I was right about that." I drift off.

"Hi," a cautious voice speaks up from beside me.

"Right! Um, Ryan this is Lily, Lily - Ryan."

"Nice to meet you." They take turns saying.

"Okay then, see you Ryan."


"I said goodbye."

"Why would I leave?"

"Yeah," pipes up Lily. "Why would he leave?"

"Because, he just came here to say I was right as though he doubted me at the beginning and was just realising his mistake. He has done that now so, bye."

"Wha-why do you want me to leave so badly?"

I take I good look at him for a second. Definite cool kid material. He's wearing a white button up without the school logo stitched onto it. Rebellious activity. As well as the usual school pants, through the white fabric of his top I can see black ink dancing around his shoulder.

He isn't the type of person to hang out with us.

But my god. The tanned skin I can see peeking through the neck of the button up is hot.

"Why do you want him to leave so badly?" Lily gangs up on me. "Thats right, you want to keep daydreaming bout Noah."

"I'm going to strangle you." I grind out.

"Noah? I met him last period in woodwork. Do we have a little crush Harper?" Ryan lazily grins.

"No... but you can introduce me anyway if you'd like." I bargain. Staying cool, calm and collected. Good move.

"If you insist. Noah!" Ryan calls out. Fuck. I'm not ready to meet the love of my life yet.

"Hey man," Noah greets in that silky voice of his. "Ladies." He follows up, shooting us a wink.

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