You = loser. Simple math.

1 0 0

The four of us finish with the cleaning two short hours after we began.

Noah has been blasting us music to help the time go by quicker and offering us drinks every half hour.

Not to mention every time we saw each other, I'd get a cheeky slap on the butt, or kiss on my cheek.

I don't know what Lily and I were talking about just yesterday when we said his personality needed improvement.

I walk over to the rest of the group, my stolen button up shirt is tied at the front showing some midriff, I've rolled the sleeves up to my elbows and gotten changed into some shorts I brought from back home.

It's a hot day in Melbourne.

I have my hair tied up in a horrendous bun but I'm honestly too bothered by my temperature to care.

"Do you have some deodorant I can borrow?" I ask Noah as I get to him.

"Only if you want to smell like me."

I really do. Whenever I catch a whiff of any boys cologne I want to marry him.

"I suppose it's only slightly better than smelling like BO." I tease.

"Follow me." He smiles.

I trail him up to the upstairs bathroom, once inside he's on my lips again.

I return the kiss, it's another gentle one, although it's quickly turning more eager.

A put my hands on his chest, sliding them up towards his hair. He slides his hands down to my waist.

We pull apart from each other, short breaths escaping us.

I begin to go down onto my knees, although as soon as I begin crouching I'm pulled up again.

"What's wrong." I whisper, feeling slightly rejected.

"I just- we. I mean, we didn't do it last night."

"But we were... I woke up naked. So did you, what happened."

"I didn't think you were in the right mind. I didn't want to risk you thinking I take advantage of girls when they're like that. And now I don't want you to feel obligated."

"Thank you," I say lowly. "Now we're friends, you can do anything you like."

Noah smiles down to me. "Your amazing." His hands find my own and press a cool, metal can into them.

He leaves the room and I glance down to see his deodorant lying in my palm.


It's now 4 o'clock on the Saturday afternoon. Noah had footy training so had to leave, so me, Lily and for whatever reason - Ryan, relocated to my place.

We are all sprawled over my living room, me and Ryan laying in the couch, Lily laying on the floor.

"So what happened with you and Noah last night?" Lily inquires, wiggling her eyebrows at me with a suggestive grin.

I let out a long moan. "Apparently nothing, I thought we had sex but he's too much of a gentleman to do stuff with intoxicated women.

We've been flirting though, playfully kissing each other all day. I'm still crazily attracted to him but shut down the idea of commitment real quick." I explain.

"What's wrong with commitment?" Ryan asks.

"What's wrong with your face?" I counter.

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