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Emily started talking to my mom,at that moment I didn't pay any attention but then she started talking to me, she told me that Emily invited us to go to a place, they didn't tell me anything about the place but everyone knew where we were going.
We were in Emilys moms car(don't worry, everyone that was in the after party was there), she told us that it was going to be a long trip, but not too long it's like 1 hour.
She turned on the radio and then I realized that it was Billie Eilish (I didn't tell you this but I LOVE Billie Eilish It's like my very big obsession or "my strange addiction ")
Everyone was enjoying the trip, I was sitting next to Finn and Emily, Jaeden was sitting in front of Emily and next to Jack. We were very near each other so we started to talk. For a reason they putted  me a blindfold before we got there . We arrived end swe got down the car, obviously I still had the blindfold so everyone was like: am step okay , ohh! Careful here it comes the stairs. Or something like that. We finally arrived, Idk where we were but it was quiet and it smelled good :v.

Emily grabbed my hands and said
E:do you remember when I said "guess what"?
E:guess what?
E:you are in a BILLIE EILISH SPECIAL LIMITED EDITION CONCERT!*She took me off my blind fold, everyone started shouting and Billie Eilish started singing
E:everyone gave a little bit of money
-awww ,seriously? Thank you guys

We had a really great time it was the best day of my life and we were the only one in the concert and it was pretty long so everyone had the chance to meet Billie without hurry, but I was the one who had more time with Billie. And omg, omg, she gave  me her number! So obviously we started talking.
It has passed a few weeks, the classes are about to end and Billie became like my mother/sister, idk but we were close.
In the last day of school I wanted to do a plan with my friends, so I invited  one by one; I started with Emily, then Jack , then Jaeden and I just needed to invite Finn.
We met at my schools cafeteria (I mean It's not like it's formal) and I noticed, he was acting weird like this energy, it just wasn't there his eyes were sad and that made me sad too. I asked him what was the problem and he told me that

Hi guys ❤️
Hahaha hope you
Enjoy the cliff hanger;)
Love you tho
Bye ❤️

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