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the shadow let fall Jaeden and then he stepped on him.

*Jaeden woke up*

narrator Jaeden

I woke up breathing really fast and sweating. I calmed up and I went to the kitchen to make me something to eat,I couldn't stop thinking about my dream. I know it's a dream but I never dream so this is strange. Ugh what am I saying? I just woke up and I must be just exaggerating.

Narrator __

I went to Jack's house the next day. We decided to go to a restaurant near his house, so we went walking. We were walking on the street when a boy two years olden I think so...( well he looked like two years older) grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him and said with a strange voice "hi sweetheart" then he kept walking, like if nothing happened. all that he made it like super fast. I didn't even had time to process what happened. Immediately Jack turned around and turned the "protection mode" on.

j: what the fuck dude?

-Jack, you really don't need to do this

Xx: oh hi Jack!

j:-the hell, how do you know my name?

Xx:__ just said it * we both stared at him*

-yea, how do you know MY name?!

Xx: you don't remember me? * he said with an over acted surprising tone*

-do I even know you?

Xx:of course you do... * he placed his hands on my waist(again) and he rapidly tried to kiss me, Jack was fast enough to push him away from me*

j: stay away from her! *he punched him making him fall to the ground (shit! I thought he felt to the sky! Notice the sarcasm)*

j: let's go __*he said and then he put his arms around me and continued walking*


__ kept looking for a few seconds the boy that was there, asking herself if she recognized him from somewhere. But then she turned around and just kept walking. When __ wasn't watching the boy stood up he ran and pushed Jack from the back. When Jack touched the ground he rapidly got up and he punched the boy. They started punching each others until they both fell on the ground but they were still punching each other . __ was trying to separate them but she couldn't. She started shouting things like" Jack stop!"or " stop it!". The boys were not listening. -are you going to do something!?-she asked to the few people that were there, every one filming with their phones. -seriously! Don't you have anything, ANYTHING else to do!?- when __ started to lose her patience she tried to pull Jack away from the boy, but it was hard. Jack was trying to get rid of her with out hurting her. He didn't wanted her to get in the fight, but she kept insisting. In one point Jack involuntarily pushed __ not knowing what he was doing . It wasn't THAT bad but Jack felt real bad for it , so he just
Stand up and grabbed __'s hand and got in their way to the restaurant. Before __ left the boy gave her something and put it directly to her hand, with the frase "maybe you'll remember me with this" trying to not call Jack's attention. __ opened her hand while she was walking with a curious face
-omg- __ said to herself

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