The Truth is Out

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I woke up to see Lizzy still cuddling up to me so I lift her up a little and put her on me and waited for her to wake up. Three minutes later she finally woke up and she was blushing when she realized where she was on me. "Morning Lizzy," I said as she was getting off me. "Morning John," she said sitting next to me. I sit up and get out of bed to grab my closes for the day but Lizzy grabbed my hand and turned me around and gave my a kiss on my lips, my first kiss, witch is weird considering my past. "What was that for?" I asked. "For being a great boyfriend," she said. "OK. But we got to get ready for daycare, so I go to get dressed and get you some closes as well," I said standing up. "OK I will wait here for you to return," she said as I was grabbing my closes. "OK, beautiful," I called her as I walked out the room and went into the bathroom and got dressed then I walked into my sisters old room and took some pink closes that could fit her. I brought her some close and she was happy that they were pink  she got off my bed and went into the bathroom and got changed and she was gorgeous when she came out. "So we ready to go to school?" Lizzy asked. "No I going to pack something today. You can go a head and head down stairs. "OK, see you down there," She said as she walked out my room and when sh closed my door I walked over to a book bag and and put my laptop in it and charger for it. I put my phone in my pocket, put the book bag on my back and walked out the door. I walked and stairs and Lizzy and my mom was talking about me and what I did on my first day "Did John do anything strange on his first day?" my mom asked Lizzy. "No, not really the most out laddish thing John did was save a kid from being hit with a light-saber," Lizzy said as I walked behind her. "Is this true John?" my mom asked me. "Yep Lizzy speaks the true," I said making me some breakfast. "John, when did you get in here?" Lizzy asked a tiny bit scared. " Five seconds ago," I said eating the peanut butter sandwich  I made. " Oh, OK," Lizzy said a little bit less scared. "So how long till we are late for daycare?" I asked. "We need to leave now actually," Lizzy said to me and my mom. "Than lets get a move on," my mom said. "OK," me and Lizzy said at the same time. I made sure I was bringing everything that I was bringing today. "OK," I said I said getting into my mom's car. "John can I take a nap on your shoulder?" Lizzy whispered. "Sure beautiful," I whispered back to her. She smiled and laid her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I stared out the window until we got to the daycare. I picked up Lizzy and carried her in side to my room and placed her on the bed and went back down stairs and waited for other people to come in. when everyone was here Tony asked, "Where is Lizzy?" "She is in my room taking a nap," I told everybody. Then someone I never wanted to see again walked in the daycare. "Ace get out of my daycare," Ryan yelled. "No, I am here for John only," Ace yelled back. "Why do you want John?" Goldy asked. "He wants me to make technology to kill all of you and for me to be with his sister," I said grabbing my weapons. "What?" Lizzy asked from behind me. "No need to be worried, I don't like him or his sister," I said activating my weapons. "So you don't want to be my husband?" Rascal said from behind me. "Rascal go away, before you get me angry," I said. ""No. you will be mine no matter what," she said as she was walking to Lizzy. "Stay away from her," I yelled with full on rage in my voice. She slapped Lizzy knocking her on the floor. I got so mad that I transformed into a monster.

 I got so mad that I transformed into a monster

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