Her Family

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After having fun with Lizzy in my bedroom at the daycare, she fell asleep and I went to writing stories on wattpad. After a hour of writing I published a part and Lizzy phone vibrated right after and she woke up. "Afternoon beautiful," I said looking up from my laptop. "Hi handsome, did you just publish another chapter?" she asked looking at her phone. "Yes I did," I said. "Can I sit in your lap and help with your next chapter?" she asked. "Sure beautiful," I said letting her sit in my lap. We sat there for about five hours until someone yelled from down stairs. "Lets go check on that and make sure we don't have a intruder," I said. "OK sweetie," she said getting up and helping me up. We went down stair and we see three people. I scan all of them and it told me two humans and one cyborg. I heard Lizzy say "Mom, Dad, what are you doing here?" "We are here to come get you," a older girl said witch I am assuming that is her mom. "How did you know how I was here?" Lizzy asked.  "Danial said you would like to come here," her dad said. "Who is he?" Danial, her brother, asked. "This is John, my boyfriend," she said holding my hand. "Hi," I said scanning the area for life sings, and I found one I have not seen in years. My brother was close by. Then it just disappeared. "What is your problem?" Danial asked. "Nothing. Why do you ask?" I asked still trying to find out what happened to my brother. "You seem distracted by something," he said getting closer to me. "It's nothing now,"I said. "Why are you two here alone," Her dad asked. "We came here to have some alone time," Lizzy said. Then we heard yelling coming from upstairs. Me and Lizzy ran up stairs and I blacked out. 

~Third person~

John was hit in the back of the head. And Lizzy pulled out her swords and protected him until her brother shot it with his robot arm. "We need Ryan and Unicorn Mann," Lizzy said and calling a them. Five minutes later they finally arrived and had there ability activated ready to save John. 'We need to get him to a doctor," Danial said. "Doctors can save a man that doesn't have a heart beet," Unicorn Mann said. "How does he not have a heart beet?" Lizzy's mom asked. "He has a demon and a computer in him also he was a test subject," Ryan said. "Who tested on him?" Lizzy dad said. "My opposite, Ace," Ryan said using his heal power. Unicorn Mann then also used his healing power. they both flow back five feet. "What just happened?" Lizzy asked. "John is sending out pulse waves to force us back." Ryan explained. "Why did it not work on me?" Lizzy asked holding my hand. "Maybe because he loves you," Unicorn Mann said. "Or he is giving his power away to you," Danial said.

~John person~

I heard Danial say "Or he is giving his power away to you." "Now why  would I do that when three people want my power," I said getting up. "John your alive," Lizzy said hugging me. "I will not die until you are 100% safe," I said hugging her back. "John can you turn of the pulse," Ryan asked. "They are off and sorry about that it's in my programming," I said. I scanned the area to see if there is any other threats and there was none. "I approve," Lizzy's dad said. me and Lizzy were both confused and she said "Of what?" "Of you two dating and maybe marring each other," he said. Then a hostel showed on my map and it was Rascal. "What is it John?" Ryan said. "What do you mean by getting marred to my boyfriend?" Rascal said. "I have and never will date you Rascal," I said pulling out my swords and flaming them up. she pulled out a laser pistol and pointing it at Lizzy. Then she fired, I tried taking the hit for her but it was to fast it hit her and I went to my full rage mode then I ran as fast as I can at Rascal and launched her into the wall. "You want try that again?" I said in my demon voice. "You have gone soft you use to kill people that hurt the people you cared about," she said. "Well I would kill you, but I want you to take a message to Ace. Tell him if he wants me then don't come after me," I said going back to Lizzy and healing her with me magic. "Are you OK Lizzy?" her dad asked. "I'm fine thanks to John," she said then she kissed me on the cheek. "And if it wasn't because of John you wouldn't have gotten shot," Danial said. I heard the portal and I said "They would have still attacked even without me here." "Who was she?" Lizzy's mom asked. "She was the one who loved me before I moved here, but I never loved her," I said picking Lizzy up because her legs were stunned. "She can walk on her own," Danial said. "Not with stunned legs," I said taking her to my room and putting her on my bed. "Why did you bring her in here?" her mom asked. "Because her legs are only going to work if I put some robotic parts in them," I said pulling out a box from under my bed. "So if you don't do this she won't be able to walk?" her dad said. "Correct. Now Ryan I need you to make sure that no ones interrupts me," I said numbing Lizzy's legs and putting her to sleep. "On it. OK everyone follow me to the cafeteria," Ryan said leading the way to the cafeteria. It was three hours until I was done Then I kissed Lizzy on the forehead. Five seconds later she woke up and asked "How did it go?" "It went perfectly, but you have to get us to walking with them and charging them," I said helping her up. "OK. Where are my parents?" she asked kissing me. "There down stairs with Ryan and Unicorn Mann," I said kissing her back. "OK let's go to them," she said walking to the door and she almost fell but I caught her. "I told you have to wait for legs to-," I said being cut off by her kissing me on the lips. "Can you just carry me to them?" she asked. "Sure. Hop on." I said letting her hope on my back. She hoped on and I started my way to the cafeteria. When we got there her dad said "So it wasn't a success?" "No it was a success. She just couldn't walk for a little while," I said sitting her down and I sat next to her. "I am kind of felling sleeping, can I lay on you John?" she asked. "Sure," I said leaning against the wall and letting her lay on me. "John we have some questions for you," her mom asked. "Ask away," I said laying my jacket on Lizzy so she wouldn't be cold. "Where did you get your powers?" her dad asked. "From when I was a test subject and I was combined with a demon and a computer," I said making sure Lizzy is comfortable. "How long have you and Lizzy been dating?" her mom asked. "Seven days," I said. "How did you get your scar?" Danial asked. "My second mom scratched me three days before we moved here," I said. "What do you mean second mom?" Lizzy's mom said. "I was thrown out by my real mom and she took me in and then I left her and now I live with Ryan," I explained. "Oh you have had a terrible life. I approve you dating my daughter," her mom said. "Thank you and what is y'all's names?" I asked. "I'm Julia and my husband is Nick," Julia said. "Nice to meet you both," I said. "Nice to meet you to," she said. "Why is she sleepy even thought she took an hour nap?" Danial asked ready to punch me. "First don't even try to punch me. Second off it is her body getting use to the technology in her, just like what happened to us," I said. "How did you know I was going to punch you and that I am a cyborg?" he asked confused. "I can read you facial expression and I scanned you when I first meet you," I explained. "Mom dad, can I sleep over at John's house tonight?" Lizzy asked barely awake. "Sure sweetie," Julia said. "Yay,"Lizzy said cuddling up to me more, so I rapped my arms around her. Three seconds later she was asleep again. "We should probably get home," Ryan said. "I agree it is getting late," Nick said. "OK Bye everyone," I said lifting Lizzy up and started sprinting to Ryan's house. I placed Lizzy in my bed and got in next to her then she got on top of me and snuggled up to me so I pulled the covers over us and made sure she was comfortable and asleep before I fell asleep.

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