The Law Suit

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I woke up and saw that Lizzy was still asleep so I kissed her forehead witch she instantly woke up to. "Morning beautiful," I said sitting us both up. "Morning handsome," she said as I realized I was not wearing a shirt or my jacket. "Where is my shirt and jacket?" I asked. "The voice in my head told me that I would help you wake up fast," she said looking down. "It's ok I don't mind," I said wrapping my wings around her. "You might want to put on a shirt," she said and I magically making a shirt appear on me. "You want to go down stairs and see everyone?" I asked. "Yeah. By the way my parents kinda don't like you right now," she said. "Why?" I asked put my jacket on. "They kinda figured that the stuff you have that is not human is fake and they don't like things other than humans," she said in a weard voice. "Well that is strange," I said walking out the door next to her. We made it down stairs and saw a lawyer so I hide my nonhuman parts. "What is happening here?" I asked. "John I see we meet again," the lawyer said. "Hi Paul or should I call you Paulen?" I asked testing him. " Do you want to get sued again?" He asked. "What would that be the the hundredth or the thousandth time?" I asked in my angry voice. "Fine let's get to the point. This daycare is closing down unless you change the name and the owner," he said. "Ryan can I talk to you for a bit?" I asked. "Sure man," Ryan said and we walked down stairs. "Can you give me the deed to the daycare?" I asked. "Why do you want the deed?" he asked. "He said you have to give the deed of the daycare to someone else and I have some ideas for the name," I said. "Done. It is in the sling shot squad base," he said happily. "Good. Now let's go up stairs," I said then walking up stairs. "Ok John I know you two have a great plan, right?" Tina asked worried out of her mind. "It is fine we have everything figured out," I said. "I will go get the thing we were talking about," Ryan said walking out the slide door. "You have a plan, I would like to hear it," Paul said. And I just stud there in silent with my hands behind by back. "John what is going to happen to the daycare?" Lizzy asked next to me. "Nothing besides a name change and owner change," I said pulling her into a hug. "Ok sweetie, I love you," she said hugging me back. "I love you too beautiful," I said then kissing her forehead.  "And I am back with the papers," Ryan said entering the room. "Ok what paperwork do you need to give us so we can change the name and owner of the daycare?" I asked. "Here it is," Paul said handing me some papers. "Ok we will be in court in five days, bye," I said holding my hand out for a hand shake. "Yeah, bye," he said shaking my hand and left. "Ok who wants to help us get a new name for the daycare?" I asked and only Ryan, Tina, and Lizzy raised their hands. "Ok we will be down in the cafeteria if you need us and we went down to the cafeteria and brainstormed ideas for three hours until Lizzy came up with 'The Lab' and then we all just slept in our rooms at the daycare because it was late.

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