The Portal

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I woke up and went down stairs to see Ryan sitting on the couch cuddling and I said "So you do like her." "Jesus dude when did you get there?" Ryan said startled. "Five seconds ago," I said. "We have been dating in secret for mounts, please don't tell anyone," Tina said. "Don't worry I won't," I said going into the kitchen and made me some food. When I finished my food I went to go get dressed. After that I went down stairs and said "Ready to go to daycare you two?" "We have been waiting for you," Ryan said getting up with Tina. "Lets go then," I said leaving the house. "John is there a quicker way to get to daycare that doesn't involve flying or walking?" Tina asked. "We could teleport," I said setting the coordinates. "Lets do that then," Ryan said ready. "OK here goes nothing, "I said teleporting us to the front of the daycare. "Woo that was just like the portal," Ryan said. "What is the portal?" I said. "We will show you today," Tina said walking up to the daycare. "Lets go in," I said running past them both and going up the stairs and seeing Lizzy waiting for me at the top of them. "Hello handsome," she said hugging me. "Hello to you to beautiful," I said lifting her up and sitting down against the wall. "Hello everybody," Ryan said as he walked into the room. "So what are we going to do today?" Goldy asked. "Well John needs to see the portal, after that we can see if he can go in it," he said. I was looking at Lizzy she was half asleep on my chest. "We can reschedule me seeing the portal," I said. "You sure John/" Unicorn Mann asked. "Yey," I said standing up with Lizzy asleep in my arms. "OK. The four that normally play games let's go," Tina said and they went to the portal area of the daycare. I heard Ryan yell "3 2 1 Go," then I heard them all yelling. 5 seconds later we all heard yelling again. "Do they usually come back that fast?" I asked putting Lizzy down on the couch. "No, that is not there yells," Tony said whipping out his scythes. "Well than lets get ready for a fight," I said pulling out my swords, then Kat pulled out her scythes. "Hello GreenBat05, I see you survived the explosion," the main guy said. "Hi GreenBat14, I see you still a have not reached your final form," I said activating my fire swords. "I see you still have the elemental power Ace gave you," GreenBat07 said. "What is happening here John?" Tony asked. "The other test subjects want me dead, specially number 14," I explained. "So you  go by John to these humans. You were the perfect test subject and now look at you, a traitor, to the man that saved your life," GreenBat01 said. "There is no such thing as perfect and he didn't save our lives, he killed them by taring us away from humanity,' I said knowing that Lizzy was waking up. "I took a little nap and this happens," Lizzy said joining us pulling out her swords and activating her ice swords. "Do we all have cool weapons like that?" Kat said. "Yep, just image your self in your our wold and you get your elemental weapons," I explained. Tony and Kat both did as I said and activated the dark scythes. "What element is this?" Tony asked. "Dark," I said and start charging at them flying. "Nice," Tony said and did the same. "Lets do this,'Lizzy said and her and Kat started charging as well. We fought them for ten minutes, until they took down number 07, and 01. Then we heard yelling coming from the portal. We saw Ryan, Tina, Unicorn Mann, and Goldy come from the area were they came from, so I said "Tony teach them how to activate there elemental weapons." "On it," he said doing as he is told. When they joined the fight we were about to win until he started using his ultimate ability. "Are you insane that will kill us all," I yelled. "I will only not do this if you come with me," he said. "I will not come with you, I will counter act your ability with mine," I said activating my ability running at him and launching us in to space. "What are you doing you'll kill us both," he said worried. "I will survive, you will not," I said blowing us both up. I passed out and fell three trillion feet down, when I hit the ground I saw a bright light and said "Not my time yet," forcing my self off the ground. I walked to Ryan's house and waited for him to come home. I was in my room repairing my self when my door opened and it was Tony, Kat, Tina, Goldy, Unicorn Mann, Ryan, and Lizzy. "Hey guys," I said in my destroyed voice. "John your alive," Lizzy said running over to me and hugging me. "Careful I'm still pretty damaged," I said hugging her back. "How did you survive?" Tony asked. "I stopped Tina when she was mad, I took a god killer shot, falling from three trillion feet is not that hard for me," I said. "I'm just glad you are here and with us," Goldy said. "I'm glad to be here," I said looking down at Lizzy and noticing that she is asleep, so I lad her down on my lap and continued repairs. "We'll give you two some alone time," Ryan said. "Thanks guys,' I said and I heard the door closes so I looked at Lizzy and said "I am not going to leave you for a long time." "I know you want," she said snuggling up to my waist. "Do you want to help me repair myself," I asked her. "Sure," she said sitting up and helping me with everything. "All done," I said, then I was forced down onto my bed and Lizzy was on top of me just cuddling with me. "Can I stay the night with you," she asked getting under the covers. "Sure beautiful," I said getting under the covers to and she got on top of me. "Can we do it?" she asked. "Sorry we can't not until we have no one listening," i said knowing the others were listening. "How did you know someone was listening?" she asked. "We repaired my sensors, so I can see there heart beet," I said looking at hers witch was higher then normal. "So that is how you could senses us all those times," she said. Then I noticed she was not wearing any pants, so I kissed her. "What was that for?" she said. "For carrying about me more then everyone else," I said rapping my arms around her pulling her closes to my chest. "Daycare is canceled tomorrow," she said half asleep. "prefect," I said going to sleep. Me and her slept for about nine hours. We walked to the daycare. "Why are we going to the daycare?" she asked. "Reason one so I can see the portal, reason two so we can have some fun in private," I said looking at my radar. "OK handsome," she said. "Do you want to ride on my back?" I asked. "Yes," she said jumping on my back and I start running to the daycare. Once we got to the daycare it was blocked off by iron bars. "How are we going to get inside?" Lizzy said. "By teleporting," I said teleporting us inside. "OK lets go to the portal," she said and we went to the portal area. "This is the portal," she said showing me a green and black void. I walked up to it and tried to go in it, but it shocked me back. "The portal never did that before," Lizzy said. "Lets just go have fun in my room," I said picking her up bridle still. "OK handsome," we went to my room and had some fun.

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