Chapter 15

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"We're lucky you found Mister Potter when you did, two minutes longer, and he wouldn't be breathing right now." Madame Pomfrey explained. "He clearly tried to kill himself, but he must have mixed up the flaxseed with the dragon's scales in the potion, and ended putting himself in a coma."

"Leave it to Potter to ALMOST die three times, but fail because of his lousy potions skills." Pansy remarked.

"Oh shut UP! Parkinson. Can't you see that he tried to kill himself?! And you want to crack jokes right now??" Hermione snapped, venom laced in her voice.

"I was trying to lighten the mood. Calm down Granger."


Harry had been in the infirmary when it happened. He was still out cold and unaware of his surroundings. He could hear everything from Hermione's ear-splitting scream, to the clicking of Madame Pomfrey's heels on the tiles after everyone had stopped telling Harry yo wake up. He didn't want to. Not to mention he couldn't.

"Harry! Harry! Baby it's me!" Draco?! He's alive! What?? Harry thought in his unconscious state.

Harry felt a cold hand grip his own, he willed his hand to grasp the other boy's but he couldn't. Draco's alive! I'm alive!

"Mister Malfoy, I'm sorry tell you, but I don't think Mister Potter is going to make it too much longer. We found him in a critical state, and the rest of the healing has to be done by Harry's body. He has to want to get better. But I can't promise that he'll still... be the same when, and if he wakes up."

Harry could hear crying. Then he felt both of what he assumed to be Draco's hand grab hid left hand and press it against his wet face. "Harry please, I need you! Please wake up!" I want to now! But... it's so tiring. I don't know if I can.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Wattpad stopped actually publishing when I click publish. But here are the chapters that I am behind on 😁

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