Late 50k Announcement

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I realised I forgot to publish this when we reached 50k reads, and now we have 67k reads, oops.

We reached 50k guys! And it's all thanks to you lovely people!  I wanted to create this chapter to give you all a chance to talk with me one-on-one.

Of course my dms on wattpad are always open, but if you'd like to connect with me on other social medias, I'm always willing to talk! The following is a list of the apps I have, and the username(s) you can follow me at. I hope some of you will take the time to chat!

Snapchat: kalie2023
Instagram: / (art)
Facebook: Kalie Weiler
TikTok: confuzledqueer
Pinterest: Kalie Weiler

(These next ones I dont really post on tbh)
Tumblr: SortaSadWriter
Reddit: kaloo.lily
YouTube: SortaSadWriter

Again you dont have to follow me okn any of those, but if you do, you will most likely be able to talk to me way more. Here are some special privileges you will get if you follow certain things:

Snapchat friends that message me asking to be on my special wattpad story will get stories filled with cute drarry things I find and drawings I draw. (And i will keep up conversations and send selfies and/or streaks)

Instagram peeps will be able to dm me, along with seeing extra drarry posts, and pics of me. (Art acc. gives you access to lots of stuff I draw, not necessarily fanart)

TikTok followers will get a follow back and will get to see me make lesbian/lgbt content. (Art acc. get to see me draw famous people)

That's all for now folks! I love you all and I hope you are all staying safe and healthy! I'm always free to talk!

Lots of Love,

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