[emergency bag]

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find a bag💼: you need a bag to keep your stuff in so you can go wherever you're going and take the bag with you in case you need the stuff when you leave somewhere or just need it.

extra clothes👚: people sweat a lot and you don't like wearing clothes that are all dirty, sweaty, etc. bring an extra outfit and extra undergarments so you have no reason to wear dirty clothes.

deodorant🧼: always wear and bring deodorant with you to school or any other place.

lotion: for ya dry skin

hand sanitizer: keep them germs off

hair brush: the wind can be your enemy

blotting sheets: to store your facial oil somewhere else instead of on your face.

lip balm: you might see some hotties

gum/mint: for that nasty breath

tampons/pads: mother nature is everywhere. ready to attack.

perfume: to smell like snack

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