Chapter 1

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It's the first day of school. Unlike most kids my age, I'm actually dreading my first day of middle school.

I quickly got ready and went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Hurry up Nikki, you're going to be late on your first day," said my mom.

I rolled my eyes and started to eat.

After I finished, I brushed my teeth, grabbed my stuff and headed out to my mom's car.

Scylla got in the car and sat right next to me. Scylla is my neighbor and best friend. We grew up together. Her and my mom became friends soon after I was born and so she became my friend by default. I used to live with my grandparents but eventually, my mom bought the house right next door to Miss Lucy who is Scylla's mom.

"Are you ready?" Scylla asked.

"Meh," I said.

"I can show you around," she said. She's already been going to Kennedy Middle School for a year now. She's a whole year older than me.

My mom drove us to school while Miss Lucy picks us up after school.

"Alright girls, have a good first day!" my mom said cheerfully. I don't know how she's so functional this early in the morning.

"Bye mom, I love you."

"I love you too, Nikki."

Scylla and I walked in together. She showed me around the school. I tried to pay attention to everything she was showing me, but all I could focus on is how soft her hands must feel and how beautiful she is.

"And here is your first class," she said.

"Thanks," I said, "do you want to have lunch later?"

"Ugh, we can't. You have A lunch, I have C lunch."

I frowned, "well, I guess I'll see you after school then."

"Yeah, just don't get lost," she said and she went along with the crowd.

I sat down in a desk in the back corner of the classroom and I started to draw.

I decided that my sketch of the day would be a portrait of Scylla. I have her features pretty much memorized since I see her everyday. I get my photographic memory from my mom. She's a scientist, she has to memorize a lot of different things. As for my dad, I don't really know anything about him. I see my grandparents from his side often, but no one really talks about him much.

The first few classes flew by since I wasn't really paying attention, rather just drawing.

Then, it was lunchtime. I made my way towards the cafeteria and then walked right back out. The amount of people in there was overwhelming and I don't have anyone to sit by anyways since my only friend has a different lunch period than I do. I'm not really hungry anyways.

I made my way to the bathroom and just stood in the corner. It was completely empty.

Just then, some girl walked in.

"Hey," she said. She was tall, had dark hair, and a nose ring. She looked a little older than me.

"Oh, hi," I said.

"7th grader?" she asked.

I nodded.

"Cool, I'm in 9th grade. My name's Maude."

"I'm Nicolette," I said shyly.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Nothing," I said nervously, "just wasn't hungry I guess."

"No one really uses these bathrooms, they're like my dirty little secret.. except they're clean, because no one uses them."

I nodded slowly.

"What's on your mind? You seem awfully quiet."

The thought of opening up to a complete stranger frightened me, but for some reason, I feel like I've known her forever and that I could trust her, "I guess I'm just lonely and I'm not good at making new friends."

"Well I can be your friend," she suggested.

I smiled, "Thanks."

"You draw?"

I looked down at my sketchbook, "yeah."

"What do you draw?"

"Well I was drawing my best friend," I said, "but I'm not finished with it yet."

She took my sketchbook and took a look at the portrait, "not bad, you like her?"

"I mean, she's my best friend-"

She cut me off, "no, dummy, do you like like her?"

I guess I never thought about it like that.

"I'm going to take your silence as a yes," she said, "so is this all you do during class? Just draw?"

"Draw, think."

"Think about what?"

"Well, today, I was thinking about my dad. I never met him."

"Ah, so your dad walked out on you. I know what that's like."

"What? No," I said defensively, "he didn't walk out on me. I just don't know where he is."

She chuckled, "sorry to break the news, but he walked out on you."

I frowned, maybe she was right. Maybe he did leave and that's why no one ever told me anything.

The bell rang.

"I gotta get to class, see ya around," she said.

I stood there for a couple minutes before I went on my way too.

Later that night, I tossed and turned, thinking about everything. Could I really have a crush on Scylla? I couldn't, I mean, we're best friends. Girls are supposed to have crushes on boys. But, I've never had a crush on a boy before. Maybe Maude is right, maybe I like girls. Maybe, I like my best friend.

One other thing is keeping me up all night, my dad. Did he really just leave?

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