Chapter 2

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When we got dropped off at school the next day, Scylla hugged me right before we went in. It wasn't just any hug though, it was very tight and long.

"Today will be better, just try talking to people, okay?"

"Okay," I said.

I need friends, I need to start talking to people. It's easier said than done. Nobody seems approachable or they already have their own friend groups and probably don't want an intruder. I decided I'll just keep to myself.


I picked up a framed picture of my dad holding me when I was a baby. Would my mom really keep these pictures if he had just left?

"Why did dad leave?" I asked during dinner later that evening.

"What do you mean?" asked my mom.

"Did he not want to be a parent?" I asked.

"I was expecting to have this conversation any time now," she chuckled with tears in her eyes, "your father was a wonderful man, but he died actually."

"He died? How come no one told me before?"

"You were so young when it happened and after, we just didn't talk about it much."

"You two really loved each other, didn't you?"

She wiped some tears away with a napkin, "Yeah, we did. I guess I didn't talk about it much because I'm still not over it. Here, finish your dinner and I can take you to his grave."

I finished dinner as fast as I could and I grabbed my jacket.

My mom drove not that far down and we got out of the car. She took me to a nice tombstone underneath a tree.

"Wow," was all I managed to say. I couldn't believe that my dad was dead. I was sort of hoping he really did leave so that I could find him and reconnect with him, but he's gone. I wish I remembered him.

My mom kneeled down to his grave and placed a rose quartz crystal right beside it.

"Your father believed in the energy that crystals gave off," she commented.

I smiled. I could tell my mom really loves him but I wish she wasn't crying as if it just happened. I hate to see her so hurt.

That night, along with the next few nights as well, I struggled with falling asleep. There's just a lot on my mind and my brain won't stop thinking until everything is in balance.


I woke up for school feeling empty inside. I had no will to get out of bed.

"Come on Nikki, you're going to be late!" my mom yelled.

I slowly got out of bed and got ready.

During school, I decided to start on a new portrait since I finished my other one. This one is of Maude. There's something dark and mysterious about her that really captured my attention. She's my inspiration, my role model. I want to be just like her.

I picked at the skin by my nails as I waited for Scylla after school.

"I have to tell you something," I said.

"What is it?"

"I'm a lesbian and I like you."

She smiled, "I like you too."


"Yes, now let's find my mom before she gets mad that we're taking too long."

I smiled, that went way better than I had expected. I don't know why I stayed up late thinking about all the ways that could've gone wrong.

"Why are your grades so low?" my mom asked after she got home from work.

I shrugged.

"Nicolette, you need to start trying harder or you're going to have to repeat the seventh grade."

I sighed.

"Hey listen, if you need help with anything, just let me know," she said.

"I just can't focus right now," I blurted.

"Why, honey?"

"Dad's death has been on my mind."

She sat down next to me and put her arm around me, "I know, honey."

"How did you meet him?"

"Well, he was my next door neighbor and your grandma had me go deliver cookies to his house. After that, we hit it off and started dating. We were inseparable since."

I smiled, "that's a cute story. I hope that I can have a relationship like that someday."

"You will," she said, "the right boy will come along."

I frowned. I don't want a boy to come along, I want a girl.

Nicolette (The New Girl #4)Where stories live. Discover now