Chapter 7

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They transported me to the psych ward and eventually my mom came back up. She handed me my bag. I looked inside.

She packed a couple hoodies, jackets, my Slayer t shirt, some jeans, some leggings, and a few more t shirts. At the bottom, I found my sketchbook without my pencils since sharp objects aren't allowed, my mom's favorite book "Flowers in the Attic", and an old photo of my mom, dad, and me when I was a baby.

She kissed my forehead before I got taken in.

"Hi Nicolette, I'm going to be helping you check in," said the lady across the table from me.

"Hi," I said.

"Tell me, why do you think you are here?" she asked, "and just so you know, you can be completely honest with me. I won't tell anyone what we talked about here."

"I tried to kill myself," I replied, not even caring at this point.

"How's your home life?"

"Good, I love my mom, and my dad."

"I hear your dad died when you were a baby," she said.

"He did, and I miss him."

"I see, that must be hard for you. Hows school going?"

"I hate school."

"What about your friends?"

"I only have two friends, but one of them barely talks to me anymore."

"Why's that?"

"I confessed my feelings for her and that scared her away. She's been my best friend since I was a baby."

"Who's your other friend?"

"Oh, her name is Maude, she's in 9th grade and she goes to my school. She's the one who told me I should kill myself to be with my dad."

I don't know why, but I felt like I could trust this lady.

"What else did Maude tell you?"

"Not much, she showed me where some girls last year hid some alcohol."

"Do you drink a lot?"

"Only sometimes, I mostly smoke."

"Why do you smoke?"

"It calms me down and makes me think less about this shitty life."

"Do you self harm?"

"Not really," I said, "I almost did but couldn't go through with it."

"Would you say you feel anxious a lot? Especially during school?"




"Okay Nicolette, I think we're done here. I'm going to take you to your room now."

I followed her down a few different hallways until she finally let me into a room. The room had two beds, one side of the room looked occupied.

"You will meet your roommate soon, bedtime is coming up," she said with a smile.

I settled in and just fell asleep.

Nicolette (The New Girl #4)Where stories live. Discover now