Chapter 8

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(Nicolette's Mom) Alina's POV:

I waited for the children's psychiatrist to come out and talk to me. I felt so anxious to find out what was wrong with my daughter.

"Mrs. Jewel," she said as she walked out, "I have diagnosed your daughter with depression and general anxiety disorder."

"Just like my late husband," I said.

"We will get her started on two new medications tonight," she said, "so I'm hoping that will stabilize her."

"Thank you."

"Also, do you know who Scylla and Maude are?" she asked.

"I know Scylla, she has been friends with my daughter since they were babies but I don't know who Maude is."

"I think you should look into finding out who she is, your daughter said that she was the one who gave her the idea that she should commit suicide. I don't think having someone like that in her life would be a positive influence on her recovery."

I was shocked. I didn't know what shocked me more, the fact that my daughter had made another friend or that this friend is the reason she tried to kill herself.

"I also think you should talk to her school and maybe try an online school program, at least for the rest of this year. It'll be good for her to recover without outside influences that could get her to drink alcohol or use substances like she did now."

I nodded, "thank you so much. When can I come and see her again?"

"You can visit her everyday if you'd like, she's not a threat to others so visiting hours are every evening. You can also call every night if you can't make it here. Here's our contact info, we will be sure to contact you with her progress and any changes we make as she stays here."

"Thank you," I said, "I'll be back tomorrow."

I went home that night to an empty house. I can't believe my baby girl is suffering the way her dad did. I wish he never suffered the way he did either or he'd still be alive today.

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