Chapter 8 - The Long Walk

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The fear that was flowing from everyone's skin, be it sweat or tension, the possessor of Spikes body could smell it. He raised his head, bending it backwards and a large sniffing sound came from his nose.

"You all are capable fighters-" the voice, obviously coming from Spikes mouth but yet more deep and sinister, said; Spikes right hand then rose up and a finger extended in Laura's direction, "except you, you're not much of a fighter. Although."

Another sniff was heard and a grin stretched over Spikes face, his eyes were filled with pleasure while locked on Laura, "Oh the fools."

Suddenly his balance was lost and Spikes feet almost fell from under him but the possessor had good reflexes which gave him a chance to use his hands right before hitting the ground to give him a hard push up. The velocity had him back on his feet instantly.

"Alright then, different topic."

Yet another sniff was made and a soft giggle left spikes mouth, "Interesting, this body sure has its exchange of secrets."

Almost like he was dancing, the possessor had Spikes body moving back and forth in an almost wiggle-like formation, "So many locks, are you trying to hide things from me Spikey boy? It won't work."

Then Spikes smile slowly faded and his eyes dimmed down, "No, that's not it at all. Interesting, very interesting."

Paul began looking around; Laura was as confused as everyone else, even Mark had his share of confused looks though he, just like Paul, was keeping his confidence brimming in preparation of any surprises.

"These locks are to keep things from you, you probably can't even tell they're here can you? Of course not, they're deep in your soul, deep within one of your souls anyway mister duo-host man. It's really sad, you can't even tell what it is or that it's there."

Spikes grin then returned and he took a careful look at each person here, the pack, Paul and Laura.

"Let's see what exactly is hidden in this boy, I'm a curious man after all."

Spikes eyes kept looking forward but his body didn't nudge or make a sound in any way for a good minute, then suddenly he rocked almost like he'd been hit in the waist.

"Oh no you don't" the possessor said and his eyes narrowed in concentration.

Silence hit again but Spikes body rocked a couple more times over the next minute which had the possessor biting down on Spikes body's lip. Then, his eyes widened.

"Fayklore..." he said.

Paul was the first to stand up straight at the word, and the only one. Laura looked around to find a reaction, the pack were doing the same, and they all locked onto Paul who was as clear as day caught on the word.

"The old power of Fayklore, how on earth-"

The next second Spikes arms stretched out either side of him, his head bent backwards and an ear-piercing scream filled the area. The sound was a dangerous screech, it ripped some of the rock out of the ground around Spike and caused the pot with the heavy skin inside to be pushed over. The next second, the metal pot broke into a dozen pieces along with the wood that had been burning below it. Seeing the outcome of this dangerous sound, everyone took their hands and covered their ears while attempting to run to the opposite side of the house, but it didn't last long. There was the sound of something large falling, the roof of the house had collapsed down resulting a loud crash. One by one the walls fell, some parts even exploded abruptly sending wood and splinters flying out. Paul had to quickly summon a transparent barrier into existence around the house so all nothing hit him, Laura or the pack. The house became unaffected by the screech thanks to that, however Pauls right ear became free for three seconds and was immediately hit by the even louder screech. Blood dripped down from his ear, and before he could try covering his ear again he screamed in pain which caused him to fall to his knees and bend his head down to the ground.

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