Chapter Thirteen

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The hour long meeting lasted almost two hours and I was shocked by the time I heard my name being called. I hurried down the hall anxious to see how things went. Thor was hugging Doctor Grant as I walked into the living room. I didn't miss the fact that his sweater was off, discarded next to where he had been sitting. His eyes were red rimmed and his cheeks were pink but he had a genuine smile on his face and he was thanking the doctor for her time.

"We had a great session today." She said to me, "We made plans to meet again next week, I can come here again. Same day and time work for you?"

I nodded, "Yes, that's fine. Whatever he wants to do."

Thor wrapped an arm around my shoulders "It's settled then. I'll see you next week doc."

"I'll see you then." The doctor agreed.

Thor showed her out and I sat on the sofa waiting to hear about the session.

"How did it go?" I asked when he returned.

"Well, really well" he told me, "We talked about a lot of stuff from the past few years, and the last decade actually. She's helping me piece through the things that built up to what's happened so that I can find new ways to react to them. We're going to work on better coping mechanisms too." Thor sat down next to me and took my hands in his. "She thinks I have anxiety, like my mother did. She said it can be hereditary and it would have been a factor in what brings on my depression."

"Wow. You two covered a lot of ground."

"We did. I need you to know that I'm going to work on this. I'm going to see the doc once a week for now until we get me to a better place. But even if everything seems fixed I'm always going to be at risk for this. It's not something they can cure. Can you handle that?"

"Of course I can. How could I not? There are no deal breakers for me, Thor. I love you unconditionally."

"Thank you. Thank you for loving me as I am. I promise I'll work to be worthy of you every day."

"You already are." I assured him giving his hands a squeeze.

Thor smiled bright as the sun and I was thankful I'd pushed him to see the therapist.

"Now, I'm exhausted. I never knew talking could be that tiring. Can we just be lazy and watch Star Wars for the rest of the day?"

"Of course. Let's rent episode five now and then see how far we get tonight. We'll have a movie marathon. Oh, and so you know, I contacted a realtor who specializes in rural homes. Mostly farms and homesteads but some luxury estates too. He has time the day after tomorrow to show us a few places if we want. I told him I'd email him tonight with our list of 'wants' and 'needs'."

"What is realtor? And what do we want or need?"

"A realtor is a person who helps you pick out a house to buy. You tell them what you need the house to have and what things you want but wouldn't hate it without and then they show you places."

"Can we watch the movie first? I don't think I have enough brain power right now. But I will buy you whatever house you want, and soon. Promise."

"We'll find a place we both love. But it can wait. Let's watch the empire strikes back." I clicked on the movie and curled up with him to enjoy a few hours of mindless entertainment. 

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