Chapter Twenty Three

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Our first morning in the new house we discovered the front of the house, and our bedroom windows, were facing the east. It was early, too early according to Thor, when our room was flooded with fiery golden sunlight.

"So much for sleeping in." he grumbled propping himself up on the pillows.

"I like it, it's beautiful." I countered.

"You're beautiful. The way the light catches your hair, it's like pure fire."

I blushed under his gaze and pulled myself up to give him a quick kiss.

Before I could move back to my side of the bed he scooped me up and moved me so I was sitting on his lap. I wrapped an arm around his neck and snuggled in against him.

"You are so comfortable." I said with a sigh. The feel of his plush body underneath and against me was divine.

Thor chuckled, "I'm glad my body pleases you. We forgot one other thing yesterday, you know."

"What was it?"

"This." he slipped one large hand down between my legs and cupped my sex in his palm. "I had promised to take you right on the foyer floor. But this is better I think." He moved us so I was laying on the bed and he was poised above me. "So beautiful." he murmured as he stroked me lazily.

I was writhing beneath him, my hands running wild across his body. His skin illuminated by the sunlight made him look every bit of the magnificent golden god he was. I reached down to take him in my hand but my arm was too short.

"Impatient are we?" he chided me. He took his length in his own hand and guided it into me with agonizing slowness.

My breathing was ragged, I needed release and he was drawing it out laggardly. He shifted his weight onto one arm so his other was free to explore my body. His touch was incendiary, the sensations overwhelming me until I was shaking, gasping, and begging for release. His wicked grin was the only warning I got before his fingers located my clit. With a few expert flicks and rolls I was screaming his name as I finally found my release. I felt my body clamp down around his shaft as I came and he groaned, burying his face in my chest. He only made it two more lazy strokes until my spasms sent him over the edge as well.

Thor rolled off of me, spent. Both of us breathing heavily and still coming down from the delirium of our love making. "Now that's how you start a day." he joked.

"I certainly wouldn't mind waking up to that every morning." I grinned.

"What did you have planned for today?"

"I wanted to make sure everything is organized and we didn't miss anything else. We need to look into getting a TV. Oh and I wanted to ask Maurice about where to buy plants. It's going to officially be summer in just over a week and if I want to have a garden this year I need to get moving on it. What about you?"

"I just checked off the only thing on my to do list for the day."

"Checked off? I've never heard it called that before." I stuck my tongue out at him playfully and he responded by tossing a pillow at my face. "This is why you wanted so many pillows!" I shrieked throwing one at him. A pillow fight ensued and only stopped because he started tickling me to get me to concede.

Thor was delighted I made omelettes for breakfast and he searched for TV's online while I cooked. I sat down at the kitchen table with him and we read reviews while we ate. "Can you imagine a 72" TV? It's going to be wonderful." he said clicking on one.

I had to voice my concern, "We only had a 40" in the suite. I don't think we need one that large."

"But this is the best one. It has the best picture quality, it is a flat screen, it can do 3D, and it's the largest one."

"Getting the best one is great but it might be too big for the living room. You don't want to feel like your nose is pressed up against the screen sitting on the sofa to watch it."

"I measured, we have plenty of space. We can move the sofa back another foot or two if we need to or we can completely rearrange things. I had a 54" in the cottage and our living room is much bigger. We'll be fine."

"I'm not going to talk you out of this, am I?"

"It's just so much better for playing video games. Trust me, love, we won't regret getting it."

"Okay, let's do it. Do you want to sign up for an account or have me do it?"

"I can do it." He started clicking through the prompts adding on things I would have never worried about like new connection cables, an extra five year warranty, expert installation, and two day rush delivery. I was resigned to letting him have his fun and started cleaning up our dishes while he placed the order.

"Let's visit the horses once you're done. I want to go for a ride." Thor said closing the laptop.

"I'm ready now." I dried my hands and then we were off. 

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