Chapter Fifteen

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By 8am the next morning I was pushing Thor out the door of the suite. He was tired and cranky but I lured him with Starbucks and as little human interaction as possible. His spirits lifted once he had a Frappuccino and we got on the road headed to New Asgard. We were only thirty five minutes outside the small seaside community and he had finished off the last of our breakfast treats as I pulled in to the main drive.

"Let's get a few things from your cottage before we meet up with Valkyrie." I told him.

Thor was apprehensive at the mention of the cottage, "I don't know how I feel going back in there."

"I can run in solo if you want. Just let me know what I should grab."

"Do you mind?"

"Not at all. What am I grabbing?"

"My Xbox things. My clothes and my pair of Crocs. There's a weapons cache in the bedroom closet. Umm... I'm going to have to go in. There are two things you won't be able to carry."

"I'm stronger than I look you know."

"No, it's not that my love. I am the only one who can wield them."

"Oh. They're here?"

"Yes. And I should take them with us. I don't expect to come back."

"Okay. We have plenty of space in the car, if we need to we can lay the back seats down to make more room too. Let's go up and see what all we need to load up."

Thor trailed two steps behind me the whole way up to the cottage. When we arrived at the door I grabbed his hand in mine for support. "It's just a place. It has no power over you." I told him.

He nodded brusquely and we entered the small cottage.

The cottage was the same as before but Thor looked around like it was boobytrapped. He followed me down the hall to the living room where I started unplugging his xbox. I found a few wooden beer crates and started packing things into them. Thor stood looking around, unsure what to do. "Why don't you go grab your weapons and any clothes you want to keep?" I suggested.

"Yeah, good idea." He headed to the bedroom and returned a little while later with one arm full of hoodies and sweatpants, the other holding a large black bag stuffed full of his weapons collection. I was finishing up in the living room so he started searching for his debit card. Thankfully he found it in the kitchen drawer quickly and then started loading things down to the car.

I was packing the last crate into the trunk when I realized I hadn't seen him grab Stormbreaker or Mjolnir. I hiked back up to the cottage to find Thor standing in the living room looking around. "What about your other weapons, Thor?"

He looked at me nervously.

"It's okay. You got this." I assured him.

I followed him into the bedroom and found Mjolnir and Stormbreaker propped up in the back of the closet. He grasped both of their handles and paused to take a deep breath. On his exhale he lifted both and the relief in his expression was clear.

"It had been a while." He said letting out another deep breath.

I gave him a congratulatory kiss, "I knew you would be fine."

"Thanks love. Let's get going though. Valkyrie will be pissed we're late." He warned.

Thor was right, Valkyrie looked pissed as we entered her office but her expression softened as soon as she laid eyes on him. She jumped up from her seat and came around the desk to welcome him with a hearty handshake, "Welcome back to the living." She teased.

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