Chapter Twenty Two

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The day of settlement we were up before dawn packing the last of things up to move. We had to be at Ken's office at 9am and I wanted to have everything out of the Millennium beforehand so we could go straight to the house afterwards. It took two frappuccinos to get Thor moving but we were running ahead of schedule by the time he loaded the last box into my car.

Settlement went smoothly and after a mountain of paperwork we were finally the proud owners of Beau Terre. The Owens gifted us with a bottle of good champagne when they handed us the keys and promised to come visit the horses soon. Whether it was the caffeine, the sugar, or excitement that we had bought the house, Thor was all but bouncing out of his seat the entire drive upstate.

The moment I had the car in park Thor dashed out and around to my door and scooped me up in his arms, "I have to carry you over the threshold." he insisted. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck. He carried me up the steps and across the porch to the front door before realizing we'd left the keys in the car. He swore under his breath and ran back for the keys.

"Now, let's do this again!" he announced picking me back up. He got a few steps inside before I insisted he put me down.

"Where are you going?" he called after me as I headed back outside.

"To get our boxes. We have to start getting stuff moved in because we have the furniture coming in 90 minutes. Plus the other delivery should be here this afternoon." I explained.

"Wait!" he came running after me and caught me halfway between the car and house. Pulling out his phone he wrapped an arm around me and brought up the camera. "New house selfie" he insisted.

I leaned my head against his and smiled. His happiness was infectious and after a few clicks he got the shot he wanted.

"How do I get this off of my phone?" he asked while we unloaded the boxes.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"People always have pictures in their homes in Midgard. I like the idea of having pictures of us in our house. I want that one on my nightstand."

"Oh, we can either send it out be printed or buy a photo printer. Look them up online later, you'll probably just want to buy one to save time. You should be able to get one that works with your phone too."

"Doing it now." he sat down his boxes on the floor by the stairs and started searching on his phone.

"No you're not. You're helping me with the rest of these boxes. You can buy a printer later."

He pointedly ignored me and after a moment I made a move to snatch his phone.

"Too late, found one. It will be here tonight." he announced dodging me with ease.

I let out an exasperated breath, "I swear I'm going to uninstall Amazon from your phone."

He feigned taking offense and I rolled my eyes at him.

"How about you start unpacking and I'll get the rest of the boxes?" he offered.

"That would be great. I'll start on the bedroom."

A little while later Thor came upstairs where I was hanging our clothes in the bedroom closet, his previously excitement wiped from his face.

"What's wrong, love?" I asked him.

"I was unpacking my Xbox and realized we forgot something." he said.

"What is it?"

"We don't have a TV."

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