Chapter Eighteen

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"This roof is going to need replaced in a few years." the home inspector called down to us from the top of the farmhouse at Beau Terre. The man had been running around for over an hour with his clipboard making notes for us about improvements we might consider. Poor Mrs. Owens cringed at his comment. She was a petite older woman with deep crows feet and grey hair pulled back in a tight braid. Throughout the inspection she would look over nervously at us everytime the inspector made a negative comment. It was like she was expecting us change our minds because of a few minor issues. The Owens were very welcoming and vocal about how glad they were someone was willing to buy the property with the horses. They loved the horses but they got in over their heads and couldn't keep the business going. We both assured them they would be more than welcome to come visit the horses and go for a ride whenever they wanted.

"We could get those solar panels we saw online when we replace it." I commented to Thor loudly enough for the Owens to hear.

"I loved those! We should do it this summer if it's going to need done eventually anyway." he agreed.

Mrs. Owens smiled and nodded looking relieved she had dodged another potential issue.

In the end the inspector found no egregious issues that would prevent us from moving right in. The Owens were very relieved and asked if we had any other concerns, which we didn't. They both expressed ambivalence on taking or leaving the furniture and the four of us walked around marking items we would like them to leave. Since they were not worried about the furniture we kept the spare bedrooms, the sun room/ library set, the kitchen, and the office all as they currently were. We would only need to buy the three rooms of furniture we had already picked out, and since it was only three rooms to empty the Owens said they could have everything out within the week. We set up settlement for one week and we would be able to move in the same day if we wanted. Thor and I both agreed we would be in that day pending the furniture delivery. Mr. Owens and Thor exchanged phone numbers so if plans changed on cleaning things out or having our things delivered we could communicate and figure things out together. They were such a nice couple and I hoped they would take us up on the offer to come visit the horses.

Maurice came down to say hello before we left and we discussed the Owens transferring all of their book keeping information to us so we could keep things going once the sale went through. We assured Maurice that he and his guys would not miss a paycheck during the change over. These were good people and we wanted to do right by them.

It was sad to return to the Millennium but knowing Beau Terre would soon be ours was a small consolation. We were able to set up the furniture delivery for the afternoon after settlement and providing everything went as planned we would be able to move in the same day for the most part. Neither of us had much stuff and it would all fit in my car so as long as the deliveries showed up we were all set. The gift registry items were all purchased with a few simple clicks and since it was a registry we were able to set up the delivery date so they would arrive Monday at Beau Terre as well.

"We're all set." I called to Thor, "We should be able to move right in Monday after settlement."

He walked over to me and scooped me up in his arms, "Perfect, now we can celebrate." he began nibbling on my ear and headed down to the bedroom where he showed me just how excited he was. 

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