Chapter Fourteen

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"But why would they start with four if they were just going to go back to one?" Thor asked exasperatedly as episode six ended.

"I don't know. But it works well watching it in release order, trust me." I assured him. I stood up to stretch. I was stiff after sitting on my butt for four hours with only a quick break to order dinner in between movies. Thor was comfortably sprawled out and showed no intention of moving.

"Come on, you." I motioned for him to follow me. "I'll grab my laptop and we can make the list for the realtor."

"Alright but only if we can make the list in bed. I feel like I need a month of sleep after today." He grumbled.

"Fine by me. I'll meet you in there."

I walked in to find him lying across the bed, his head propped up on his hands, completely naked. I couldn't stifle my laughter. "This is not going to be productive." I scolded him lightly.

Thor tried to look innocent, "I was just getting comfortable."

"Uh huh. Sure. Move over. We're making this list tonight if it kills me."

"Okay, Okay, Okay." He rolled onto his side making space for me.

"So, when you think about us getting a house what's the one thing you need it to be or have?"


"Other than me. I'm a given. What was your house like growing up?"

"I don't want our house to be anything like that place. It was enormous and hollow. I spent my childhood dreaming of things I knew I could never have and fighting with a brother I thought hated me. I want our home to be warm and comfortable."

"Okay, we can do that. So let's think of specific things we can tell the realtor."

"Not in the city."

"Yep. Got that one. Something out in the country, with a lot of land if possible. Something that is sympathetic to the landscape. How many bedrooms do you think we'll need? Will you want your own office?"

"I don't need an office but maybe a library. And let's have lots of bedrooms. Just in case."

"In case of what?"

"Incase we are blessed with many children. My parents were not but I would like think we will be more fortunate."

"You never do things in the right order. You're planning out a whole brood of children over there before asking if I even want any."

Thor looked stricken.

"Oh no! I was kidding. Of course I want children. We talked about this one night on the Benatar, remember? I said I wanted to have two little girls someday just like my sister and I."

Thor blew out the breath he'd been holding in. "I want many children with you. You will be the most perfect mother. And I will never end up like my father. Our children will be permitted to follow their dreams regardless of what it is"

"You will be a wonderful father, I'm sure of it. We'll have as many children as we can handle. I like the idea of a bunch of little golden haired kids running around."

"Or redheads like their mother. You never know."

"We'll just have to see. But first we need a home for these theoretical children. So, let's plan on four bedrooms minimum. I'm adding the library in there too. I would like an office for myself. Space for a garden near the house."

"How long do you think it'll take to find a place?"

"I don't know. We're not overly picky and there are a lot of larger homes upstate. Oh, how far are you willing to be from New Asgard?"

"We don't have to worry about the community. Valkyrie is doing a fine job."

"You might not want to visit now, but they are still your people. Eventually you may want to go see them. Especially when we have children who want to know their heritage."

"Let's stay within two hours then. Just in case."

"Okay. And last thing, do we have a budget?"

"A budget?"

"Money, Thor. How much money are you willing to spend. I have a bit stashed away for a downpayment but we'll still need a mortgage which we'll have to pay every month."

"Oh. No, I will pay for the house. Valkyrie set me up with this little plastic card with all my money in it."

"Thor, sweetheart, a house like we want is going to cost close to a million dollars. If not more."

"Yes, that's fine. We will use the plastic card. I have plenty."

"I love you, but I'm calling Valkyrie about that card before we try buying anything with it. Where's your phone?"

"I do not have a phone."

"Seriously Thor? Still?"

"What do I need one for?"

"For things like this Thor! We're getting you a phone. How about this, where's your card?"

"I did not bring anything with me. I think I know where I left it back at the cottage."

"You can't just leave something like that lying around. People could steal it. Don't you have a wallet?"

"I haven't needed one. And no one will steal a tiny piece of plastic."

"Yes, they will. It happens all the time. And you're getting wallet. And we're going to SHIELD to get you an ID card. They helped me get one when I arrived. You'll need one when we buy a house."

"Tomorrow is going to be very busy, isn't it?"

"Yes it will be. But we'll get through it. Now let me send the email and we can go to sleep." 

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