Chapter 31

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Y- Its called payback bitch

A- Shit dammm

*You go through his phone and the contact name say G leader and you knew what that meant. You look at him with your eyes widened*

A- chillll

Y- Your in a fucking gang Alex!?

A- Uh....

Y- uh... what uhhhh your in a fucking gang

A- Ya but it's no big deal

Y- Uhm yes it is

A- I'm fine. Your fine. Nothings happening

Y- Whatever take me home

*Alex starts driving to your house. It was poring out by now. He finally got their. Is was too dangerous to drive home. Nobody could see through the rain. You were nice and told Alex he could come in but you were still mad at him. You guys got into the house*

A- I got a question for you

Y- K

A- Are you mad at me baby

Y- I'm not your baby

A- Will you be my baby?

Y- Are you asking me out bro?

A- Dam I'm not your bro

Y- Bro yes you are

A- Will you go out with me sexy mami

Y- No

A- What do you mean no I broke up with Hailey because of you


A- shit I didnt mean to say that

Y- I didnt want you to break up with her because of me Alex

A- It was for you. But shes the one that broke up with me

Y- I'm sorry

A- Its fine. Im just so sad because I had to break up with my girlfriend bro. *fake sniffles*

Y- Oh my gosh Alex.

A- So go out with me?

Y- On a date sure.

A- Do you want to be my girlfriend though

Y- Under one condition

A- Alrught and what's that?

Y- You have to buy me chick fil a tomorrow and we are going to a waterpark at one point in time

A- Bet

Y- Alright I'll be your girlfriend then

A- And I'll be your boyfriend

*you kiss him*

A- Oh damn I forgot we can do this now alright bet let's go

*Alex smashed his lips into yours. (It felt different and more meant to actually be you. His kissing was better) You kissed Alex back and he started to take your shirt off. You tugged on his shirt signaling him to take it off*

A- Y/n *kiss* I love you *kiss* so *kiss* freaking *kiss* much

Y- I love you to Alex. I have from the first day that I saw you. You caught my eyeball. You had me trippin literally. Remeber when I fell down the stairs *you guys start to laugh*

(By the way you guys are side by side with your shirts off. You have your bra on. This isnt a dirty part)

A- Literally. Bro you were scared cause you were sleeping in my bed

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