7. Stolen

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Like he's the tenant paying for the apartment, Malachi sits on the carpeted little sala with a small table over the currant-red carpet where he places the pizza and drinks.

"Let's dig baby." He exclaims, wearing a full-on smile that shows his perfect set of teeth while he gestures me to sit across him.

"Why are you here? I cannot remember inviting you over." I say instead, crossing my arms over my chest while he rolls his eyes at my question.

"Oh. I think you really didn't but baby Lou, I do remember that I kind of did. I invited you for dinner and guess what, Kai doesn't take no for an answer so does that make any sense now?" He answers in an unbelievably arrogant manner.

Trying not to be pissed off by his response and his smile for the most part, which I fail at anyway, I opt to sit on the couch where he's leaning against since he sits on the carpet.

"Let's eat, please?" He babytalks and something cold just suddenly bolts in my veins.

"I'm not hungry."

"You're kidding. If I know, you just really want me to feed you." There is his smirk again and his arrogance displayed all over his face. "Good news baby, I don't mind at all."

"Shut up, Malachi."

Taking out two extra large fries from the paper bag, he continuously exhibits his grin while he glances at me from time to time. Watching him do his act of vexation, I shoot him my sharp glares intended exclusively for him during the past months.

"Why are you so grumpy?"

I choose to ignore that, shooting him my same usual stare. It's not supposed to be cute but it's how it turned out when Malachi scratches his forehead like a little kid while putting up a small smile on the corner of his lips.

"But okay." He holds up his hands in mocked defeat. "You look even more attractive when you're like that anyway." He winks, making my blood boil in an instant. "I know you want to impress me. I got it now."

How conceited.

"Where did you get all your confidence from?" I ask, really curious and vexed at the same time.

Take it from a professional jerk, he still manages to wear his grimace like it's an ordinary accessory on his face and then he answers, "It's not my confidence speaking, Louisse. It's plainly honesty."

Whoa. I am never going to win an argument with this guy regarding his arrogance. Realizing that, I give up because it's just not worth it—arguing with him every now and then but getting drowned in and defeated by his boastfulness in the end. Defenseless, I take the coke float from the table, making the jerk flash his smile. He even gives me a thumbs up before he picks up his drink on the table.

"Can we turn on the TV?" He asks afterwards, eating his second slice of pizza while I have only bitten once my first.

I nod to answer him.

"You are such an angel." He murmurs, plugging the TV on and quickly switching Nickelodeon to different channels.

"Don't switch it!" I can't help exclaiming upon seeing Sadness' blue face on screen. Malachi faces me, giving me an incredulous look. "What? I like that movie." I say to defend the movie character or the character itself while I can't help pouting upon seeing his eyes judging me.

"Okay, you win. I'll always let you win anyway." He says but I ignore his comment.

Focusing on his third slice of pizza, he moves to the other side, blocking almost half of my view with his head.

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