20. Magnificent Sunset

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The date is indeed planned out good just to surprise me. We explored the woods for the first time. I forgot for a moment that this place is where he and his family used to camp and that means they have definitely explored the area. They did. Malachi is now becoming a master of exploration and  it only shows.

"Wow." I gasp in disbelief. "Kai, nooo."

"Yes." He utters, smirking while his eyes are solely bored on me.

"No way! Really Kai? Is this paradise just laying flat here the whole time?"

Not that I am overacting, just about a three or five-minute walk from the cabin lays a very beautiful flower garden and I cannot believe that I only knew now after coming in this place for a number of times. The garden is composed of some red, orange, yellow, and pink flower strips. It turns out to be a mini-me of the long flower strips in Amsterdam. It's just a mini-me for it only covers a small part of the area.

"Wow. It's so beautiful!" I exclaim loudly as I keep myself beguiled by the little Eden.


When I look back to meet Kai's eyes, I see the camera lens peering at me instead. He videoed me since we left the cabin minutes ago and I am just too overwhelmed by the place to make any gesture of protest.

"Please stop that." I grumble in a whisperring tone.

"This is better." He insists, making me frown at the vagueness of his statement.


"I can stare at you through the screen without creeping you out." He explains, heating up my cheeks intensely. Gently, I pull down his hand that holds the camera and then reveals to me his beautiful gun-metal gray eyes staring intently at me.

"You can stare at me anytime and I won't creep out." I say softly, ignoring the fast pounding of my heart.

"I also just want to capture this beautiful memory of us." He continues explaining. Oh, there is the persistent guy. He never knows how to quit.

"No." I smile warmly, hoping to earn a smile from him in return. "I want this memory to be just ours. Call me selfish, I don't care." I tell him.

Now, he smiles and I am lured in so much fascination, just uncertain if it's by the garden or his beauty.

"Right." He finally agrees. "The best memories aren't captured through this." He waves the camera, referring to it. "They are captured by the heart."

"Exactly Mr. Ford." I reply playfully and I immediately regretted that.

"But then Mrs. Ford, I want to have many pictures of you so please just a minute. Pose for me please?"

I roll my eyes, not moving from where I nail my feet. But Malachi is just so good being himself. He starts clicking his camera and I can't waste actuation clicks for a lamely-posed burst photo. Feeling slightly obliged, I run in the middle of the garden and play with the flowers. I am overly enjoying the place and the moment with him while he is keeping himself busy in taking pictures.

"Malachi, psst." I chime in, realizing it's been more than five minutes since he held the camera to take my pictures.

"Just one more."

"No." I pout. "Let's just have a picture together and enjoy this view, shall we?"

He glares, making me smile at how cute he is in doing that. "Alright." He gives up finally. "You're the boss."

We stay in the garden for about an hour, talking about random things, bickering about nonsense stuff, laughing about silly things. I choose to have light conversation because I want the day to end just perfectly. I am trying to shove off my head about what I promised myself—letting Marcus or him know about me leaving the country.

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