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~Troyes pov  ~

   its after school and I cant wait to get out of here and go to my bleachers spot where it will be quite and I can think about things and not Tyler he was really cute but not my Type and what I mean about not my type was hes not gay  and I dont want to feel the pain of another  heart break again hes adorable with his baby blue ish green ish eyes and his cute blonde hair how does he get it so perfect every morning ?

(snap out of it troye you just said hes not your type)

      Oh right but his face is just so baby like and ..

I was interrupted  by the bell I packed all my stuff and headed out to  the back of the school I sit out here in the back all the time since the football players only come out her once every week and that day I just go straight home I got to the top of the bleachers and sat down It was cold outside I had my lana del ray t-shirt w ith black skinny jeans on so I was really cold  I could feel my body shivering so I thought I should go home  instead of staying here for today I mean its the first day of school I should go home and sleep

   I was walking down each bleachers but than my shoe lace got hooked on the side of one and I ended up falling down 3 rows of bleachers  I got up and my knees where bleeding it was hard to stand cause the cuts where still fresh I cuddle up a ball and huged my knees

  I chould hear somebody running behind me great somebody,  saw me make a fool of my self on the first day of school there probably running over here to tell me that they have a video of me falling and its gonna be posted to the hole in tire school tomorow so goodluck to me,

  "Hey are you ok " 

"Do I look fine " I turned around and it was tyler oh great now hes gonna think im a jerk I didnt mean to say it like that

"Sorry I Just didnt want to scare you from coming up from behind" he said Awee he cared ..shh Troye no just make him go away and you never have to talk again

"Why are you here anyways you stalking me now "

"No you dropped this in the library " Oh no its my card with my middle name on it hes gonna think im werid when he finds out my names Troye mellet instead hurry troye think of something  *Grabs the card*

" Now you can leave " I said

"are you sure you dont need help " (oh I do I just dont want to ask you for it cause your super cute and I will fall in love with you if you stay any longer ) 

"no im fine ." but really what  was I thinking I cant have him here worrying about me

"ok well than see  you tommorow !? "

I heard thos words and froze from shock he actually wanted to speak to me again I dont know how long I can take this

I whispered to my self "I hope not "  thats when I noticed he heard me  his body turning faster than ever me scared for life that he was going to beat me or something ..than

"whats yout problem with me  I have been trying to helpyou out all day !!."

I felt bad I felt really bad he wasn't supposed to hear me I just didnt want to talk to him tommorow I wouldn't know what to talk about with him

I stayed silent  tilll "I m sorry I didn't mean to --  I cut him off   "no im sorry I didnt mean to be rude I ju-just dont really know about this helping stuff "

"well let me help you  with that here is a bandage to put on your knees so you dont bleed out like a crazy person "

"thanks " did he just say bleed out not good with blood I cant believe I handled this but its not that much

"wel-ummm well thanks I-umm need to go home now soo  ummm yeah bye " I didnt really want to go but I chould barely talk anymore 

"oh ok umm talk to you tommorow ....I mean if you want me dont have t----  "I cut him off yes tommorow see yeah "

I ran down the bleachers trying to get out of there as fast as I chould  before  Tyler chould catch up to me or before I ran in to caspar  that whould not be good I whould have more than scraped knees I whould probably be dead I never knew why he dosnt like me ..but nobody likes me so it dosnt make sense why Tyler keeps helping me is he one of caspar's people is he gonna try to take me to a dark ally and than beat me up with the rest 

ughh who know ...I better get out of here

A/N  hey guys I hope you like this chapter Im trying to get a schedule to update but its hard  but yeah gonna try to make updates really long for now on and yea I have school and test and blah blah blah but ill try my best  if you like this chapter please comment or vote its what motivates me to update well .. think thats it

bye love you guys ♡♥

*warning didn't edit probably lots of spelling errors *

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