Chapter 22

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~Troye pov ~

Did tyler just say what i thought he said ,hes not even gay why would he lie i froze i didnt know what to do  " oh im sorry man i didnt know you were gay i didnt mean it " the boy said 'if you dont mean it than dont say it at all next time " tyler yelled and ran out of the room i followed him were was he going why was he so mad ? "TYLER WAIT WERE YOU GOING "  troye said "HOME ! "  as he ran off 

i ran after him al the way to the parkening lot "TYLER ! " i grabed his arm and turned him around , he was crying he never crys the only time i have seen him cry was when i was in the hospital "tyler whats wrong" he just fell on to be giving me a big hug and crying to to my shoulder 'im sorry troye i should of told you a long time ago " i was confused " told me what !? ' 

"Troye ..that im gay "    wait so he really meant it he was actually gay or was i just dreaming this and this is just what i all wanted to happen i relized it wasnt a dream from when i came back to reality and rtyler was just starting at me and waiting for a responce , "what so you really are gay you werent just saying that " troye said " why would i lie about something like that " 

i dont know " troye says  " well at least i can tell you all about my boy crushes and it wonte be werid but heyy back off there mine " troye said with a wink, tyler winked and they both left to the car to go home they skipped the rest of the school day and went out to go get pizza


" so tyler how long have you been gay " troye says "umm all my life "  " hmm cool me too " they both laugh  

omg guys i missed you im updateing omg !! im gonna start updating again omg i missed this story and im gonna be starting my phanfic too ! <3 

ok well i changed my twitter to : phanfttroylerr and my tumblr is phanfttroyler 

do you guys want more or do you even still read this lol ok byeee guys 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2015 ⏰

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