chapter 8

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Warning if you dont like abuse  dont read this chapter
~ Troyes pov ~

I woke up its 7am I decide I should go take a shower before I go make breakfast for my self  I got my clothes from my dresser and chose my white jumper that said cheap monday  with some black skinny jeans I walked in to the hallway next to my room was a closet outside of my room I grabed a towel and flung it over my shoulder and headed to the bathroom .

I sat everything on the counter and went over to the shower and turned on the water to a medium not to hot not too cold I took of my shirt and pants next and jumped in to the shower. steal my girl by One direction was playing on my Phone music was my thing when taking showers I could sing as loud as I wanted with out people judgeing me .

It was about 7.30 and I just finshed getting dressed I put my hair flat today I wasn't going anywhere anyways im not aloud to im 19 year old man I should be able to hang out with my friends ... well I mean if I had friends

I headed down staris to go make breakfast everyone was all ready eatting but sage she was sitting on the couch " Hey troye " she said she's the only one that cares about me here " hey sage"  what do we have for breakfast to make "

" mom and dad ate all the bacon and bread so just eggs " I signed really loud of course they did they did this all the Time eatting all the food so there was none left for me . I got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen .right as I steped in I got glared down and looked at like I was insane when I opened the frige "what are you doing " I heard my dad say " gonna make me breakfast " with what we ate all the food " I can feel my body feeling tense wanting to say yeah on purpose so I'd starve but it didnt  "No theres still eggs in here " I said "Oh better make sure its a girl egg oh wait nevermind my son doesn't  like girls " he stomped out of the kitchen my family where never ok with my sexuality the only one that was fine with it was sage thats why shes my favorite .

my brother steel dosnt live with us anymore he moved in with his girlfriend 2 years ago and my little brother Tyde lets just say hes a brat but I really do love him . I got done cooking my eggs and headed for the table dropping my plate of 2 eggs on the table with some milk and getting it so I chould go watch some Tv with sage and Tyde I got finished and washed my plate I was headed for the couch when my phone vibrated I looked at the contact it was Tyler ??

I forgot that last night I got his number and texted him last night saying that it was me and my number I sat down on the couch and texted him back "Whos Tyler is he your boyfriend huh ?" sage said I rolled my eyes at her but before I chould press send a long hand came out of nowhere and slaped me in the face sage and Tyde both got up from the couch in to the kitchen they hated when dad did this too me "Give me your phone Now !"

I gave him my phone he started reading the texts " who the fuck is Tyler and why is he texting you " I hated when he did this to me  ill have to deal with this all my life him screming at me and hitting me beacuse of my sexuality " h-hes a friend " I knew that was the wrong answer he doesn't care

"is he Gay too hmm does he fuck around with boys too hmm you guys make me sick " he said and slaped me across the face one more time

he droped my phone on my lap and I got up really fast to go to my room .

I could see sage and tyde peeking through the kitchen "Im so sorry " she mouthed with tears coming down here face I was on the stairs and my dad was back in the office " I know its fine " I mouthed back but as I was going uo the staris I knew I wasnt ok I walked in to my room shut the door and fell on to my bed crying  my Family dosnt  love me and thats simple ...

I decided to write a note not a sucide note or anything just one to get my feelings out

why me ?           date : 7/11

why me why does my family hate me so much I cant controll that I like boys the heart wants what it wants I cant take this pain anymore I feel just like dieing my parents wouldn't care .but thats not happening im staying here for my sister and Brother even though my parents beat me and insult me everyday I wont let them do that to tyde and sage ill stay strong through this I can do this  ~Troye sivan

I could hear somebody coming up the staris so I threw the note in my backpack .they knocked on my door who is it "its me sage "  "Come in"

she opened the door and had bruises all over head arms "Sage what happened " she was juat standing there like a grape all purple and blue "I was defending you and dad hit me " thats this is the last of it I jumped off my bed and headed down staris to my dads office  I slamed the door open and " What the fuck do you think your doing you dont do that to sage " he standed up and with wide eyes said " Why you dont like girls anyways fag "

"Thats it im done with you and your insults your nothing but a piece of Trash anyways come on sage Let's go " but before I could get away  he grabed the back of my shirt throwing me across the room slaming my head in to the wall "Dad stop !!" sage shouted  I got up from there feeling very

light headed he graped my shirt and lifted me up "Now call me trash one more time and see what happends "  he let me go sage scared and  crying her eyes out we both got out of there and headed to the hospital my head was bleeding and so was sages arms and legs and I was feeling very light headed but I still drove this is not something to call Tyler about he can never find out about this .... ..

A/n sorry so short guys  u get a longer part tommorow (: so how you guys been please share this fanfic if you like it and vote peeps  i love you guys for reading it makes me so happy when i see somebody voted it ahhhhh ok well sorry this had so many hurtful words in it  well anyway love you guys bye eeeee *wink*

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