chapter 6

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-Tylers pov -

   its been 2 days and im still here at this hospital waitting for Troye to get better they said he should be better by tommorow and that I should leave and get some rest but I wanna be here for my friend I wanna make sure hes ok its Thursday anyways so I can get reat this weekend

"Hey Tyler can you hand me my phone "

he wanted me to hand him his phone that was on the counter next to all his shots he needs to get in a little bit I hated shots I cant give them to anybody or take them

"sure "

I went to grab his phone and he had 4 messages and some tweets. he has twitter I love twitter maybe we can  follow eachother but than I remembered all the gay porn I post on there and my tumblr yea maybe not.

"Thanks ty"

"Ty  is that like a nickname or something" I laughed

"yea kinda I guesse instead of saying tyler ill say Ty ..if thats ok with you "

"oh yeah thats fine call me what ever you like " he laughed and went back to typing on his phone

Ty  hmm I kinda like it its cute and kinda adorable  I decided I should tweet about this I clicked on twitter app and started typing 

"omg guys somebody just gave me a nick name and I love it ♡♥ "

"sent " I accidentally said out loud  Troye looked up from his screen  "What ty ?" 

"oh nothing I was just sending a tweet " crap I shouldn't of said that now hes gonna want to follow me or know what the tweet said

"oh cool you like twitter too "

"yea it basically all I do " I laughed

he smiled and laughed at me but he wouldn't stop " whats so funny " oh nothing troye said

" no really tell me " I was confused and scared

" I Just saw this really funny thing one of my friends reposted wanna see come here " I walked over and was releved I thought he saw my tweet or something

I went over to see my tweet on his screen not the one I just posted but one I had up since march 22 on my birthday it was this little funny ariana grade post I posted it for fun thinking nobody whould like it the next day I woke up it had over 2k retweets and 500 favs  I just stared at his screen scared for my life he whould click on the profile my icon picture wasn't me tho it was of nick Jonas  and relized he had been looking at me I pretend to read it again and started laughing " Omg haha thats halirouse " 

"right " Troye said I was releved when he just scrolled past it my heart was still racing from beging so s ared I went to go sit back down in my chair when

" so Tyler whats your Twitter name I wanna follow you " my heart was about to come out of my chest at that momment look for away to get out of it


I was interrupted by a nurse coming in and telling him he had to get his shots done I sighed in relieve 

"Hey ummm Ty " I hear troye whispered really quite like around the corner "Yes troye ?" whould you mind coming over here and making sure I dont faint" ha.ha, he laughed a little "yea sure no problem "  I moved my chair over to him and  asked the nurse what I should do

"hold his arm still for me please " she said

I grabed his hand and he flinched and looked less like him self not looking at me and hiding his face  under the  blanket so he cant see the shot,  it was adorable  I didn't even want to tell him the shot was over  for about 5 mins now but I just remembered I haven't let go of his hand either, so I'll  let go  so  he'll know that its over I let go and he flinched and than looked up

but why me ? (Troyler fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now