chapter 5

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~Troyes pov ~

  I was walking to my car that was all the way on the other side of the school I didnt like parking with everyone eles to big of a crowd. I got in and checked twitter for a bit I reached in my pocket for my keys but they weren't there I checked every pocket and I still couldn't  find them I got out of the car and checked to make sure I wasn't sitting on them I closed my car door and traced my steps back looking at the ground to see if I droped when walking to my car all I chould find where sticks and chewed up gum in the grass ,.

untill there where  some feet stand right in front of me I didn't look up I knew it was probably Tyler giving me my keys I probably droped them when I fell down the bleachers

" did you lose these." I looked up  my eyes wide I wanted to just run and forget about my keys it was caspar and he was dangaling my keys in his hand my hole life is over .

"ughh-i ughh yea thanks " I tryed to grab them but he wouldn't let me " not so fast troye boy "

I felt sick  my stomach doing flips and me feeling nauseous "can I please have them I need to get home " 

"awee why little Troye boy needs to get home before mommy grounds him hmmm "

its coming I can feel it hes about to do something and im not ready he pats my head and I  flinch "awee did you think I was gonna hit you"  he laughs "not just yet " he shoves the keys in his pocket  and starts smacking my face with his hands and steping on my feet so that I cant move "awee is troye boy gonna cry " I could feel my throat closing  and my eyes getting watery  I hated how it was so easy for me to cry I just wanted to beg him to stop and just give me my keys but that not gonna happen is it

he graped the collor of my shirt causing me to be face to face with him "maybe next time you should know where your stuff is " he threw me down on the ground I feel and landed on my back I chould feel stings in my back from all the sticks  he started kicking me in my ribs and chest making it hard for me to breath and cry at the same time 

but after awhile he stoped ... he was behind me I had no idea what was going on till I saw That tyler  was hitting him and tell him to go get a life and stop beating me up  I could feel my self wanting to cry more I curled my self up in a ball  and caspar started running off ......he still had my keys tho

" Oh my god are you ok Troye " I was surprised by how worried he sounded nobody usally cares this has happened so many times and people just walk by I tryed talking to him but I chould barley get anything out

"I I- need ---owww"  my chest hurt so much and my ribs from the sticks and caspar kicking me constantly  I chould feel everything aroind me going black and me closing my eyes  and opening them every 2 seconds

"Troye  stay awake where's your phone give me your phone "    " it-its in my pockket " as I said the words I chould feel my eyes closing and everything was black for a little bit till I chould see little swirls of color pink blue and white I followed the colors of light and I was in some kinda magical world I dead ??  is this what heaven looks like I saw a hole bunch of people looking at me as I walk across this white rug with blue and pink splatter paint on it people where clapping and screming my name I had no idea whats going on but its making me smile I got to the end of the charpet when a big door opened and there was a big life size statue of ....TYLER !!! 

I woke up by my own screming I wasnt at school anymore tho I was the hospital with a hole bunch of cords and things taking my blood it was making me nauseous I hated seeing my blood drip.

slowly I looked around and saw Tyler was sitting in the chair across from the room

"Hey Troye you feel ok ?"  I couldn't belive he was still here did he bring me here  did caspar feel bad and come back to call the ambulance ?

"Why where why how am" ---  I was cut off

" Troye shhh stop your gonna make your self faint again "

faint ?? I fainted I havent since 3rd grade when miss zoella said that I chount have playdoh for lunch cause it was toxic

"How did I get here .?" I asked   "I called the ambulance with your phone and they came to pick you up and I followed them here  an- "

"why did you come with them ...."  " I wanted to make sure you where ok " ... he really did care didnt he but why did he care so much

" Well ummm thanks for caring...." I felt like I was about to cry  but I tryed holding it for as long as I could

" do you want me to call anybody for you so they know your ok ?" Tyler asked

" I ummm I - I -" I could feel it the tear streaming down my right eye I quickly wiped it away " No thats fine "  ok well ill be in the waitting room if you need me just tell the nurse  ok !?  he smiled

" Ok thanks "  his  smile was like a light in  my hole room thats all I chould see why was he so nice to me I like it but I didnt cause I cant trust anybody anymore  and I just meet this Boy a couple days ago

   it was 3.43 pm and I have been in here for at least in hour with out Tyler and its  getting prettty broing maybe I should ask the nurse to bring him in here and we could talk  ..but once he comes in I bet I wont be able to say anything Ill be loss for words maybe I can ask him about school or the job !! yea the job noo but what if he didnt get the job and he gets mad at me for bringing it up ughhhh

(hes just a boy troye just talk to him  like a person )

but ..hes a cute boy and he cares about me ill just try to suck it up and talk to him ok ....

I hit the nurse button and a loud beep came from it  "yes Troye what do you need !? "  (they know my name ?)  "can you get my friend Tyler umm Tyler oakley from the waitting room I need to talk to him "  "yes I will ill be right back "

I waited awhile  for thre nurse to come but she never did I was about to fall asleep when the thing beep "Troye im sorry but theres not Tyler oakley out in the waitting room "  ....He left and he didnt tell me .. where not good friends or anything but ...... I thought he cared I forgot I haven't rrplyed back  to the nurse " Oh well thank you anyways "

I felt like crying ..I thought he wanted me to be ok 

I thought he cared (troye stop thinking so much you just met this kid )

right I shouldn't be so sad I barley know him I ---  I was interrupted by my thoughts when a Tyler oakley stepped in my room with a hole bunch of food in his arms

" Hey the nurse said you called me I went to go get  taco bell I thought you whould be hungry when you woke up " he smiled I smiled back  he got me food he really did care ... about me  he didnt leave me ....

A/n  hey guys so heres the update I think I might post every Saturday and Sunday does that sound good . well anyways  if you guys read this and want me to follow you on twitter comment your usernames (: and omg  I really cant wait for more these chapters  I have great ideas and omg have you guys heard little game  OMG ITS SOO GOOD I CANT STOO LISENING TO IT ♡♥ I really want to get this story big so if you guys like it share it on twitter and tumblr and facebook everything vote so I know I can update  ..hey im one of tyler people what do you expect PROMO is our thang (; lol ok im done

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