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Jaylee's P.O.V.

I went downstairs and saw Sunshine knocking on the door and Floof yelling "Have mercy!" over and over again,I giggle a bit and go over there."Come on Sunshine,You can't charge her,She payed for your stuff and gave you her room."I said and Sunshine stopped."Oh whoops."She said and I could see how calm Floof was now."We still have to show you the rules so we don't burn the house down."I joked.She laughed a bit a nodded."Okay,Now go to..."I stopped,Since that guy is there too,We can't really call it what we used to call it,Now can we?"The room we were checking on earlier,I'll check on Floof."I said and she said a thank you before running off there.She doesn't seem too bad,Now does she?I smiled before opening the door to Floof's room."H e y"Floof said who was still moving her things,But she got rapidly faster when she realized I was there."If you're moving your kinky shit first I'm coming in still."I said and I just laughed at the sound of Floof moving her stuff even faster.After a few minutes she yelled,"Come in!"which I responded to finally going down there."Dang you're fast,Don't you have a lot of things?"I asked.

"Basically I hung my bags to my hands and fingers and somehow got all of it down in one go."Floof said."There are still some things I haven't moved though."She continued."Wait there's a bookshelf down here?"I asked."Dibs I found it first."Floof said and I chuckled."Fine,Fair enough."I said."Are you alright though,I know you have insomnia and staying here won't help that."I continued."Nah I just need to clean up the place and put some wallpapers up and mae it decent so a cockroach doesn't go up my ears."Floof said."Alright,But for now can we explain the rules to your dear friend?"I said."You sounded like a disney villain for a second wtf."Floof said and I laughed."Fine,I'll be there at 3:20"Floof said and I got on the stairs,And just before I closed the door,I said,"Long Live The King"Before leaving.I laughed afterwards and went upstairs,Alright now to call Emma.

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