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Emma's outstanding never-before seen,P.O.V.

We were walking to school,It was a 30 minute walk there,So we should be fine.Addie was chatting with Tsoko,Jaylee was chatting with Shadow,And Floof was playing Mystic Messenger while chatting with Sunshine."I'm going to punch a bitch istg."Floof said coldly."Jeez,I thought that game cheers you up?"Shadow replied."I almost feel like Jayhee is the best female character in the game."Floof said in response."Nice,I don't know who that is."Tsoko said and Addie laughed."It's alright,Besides,We talk about character she doesn't know as well,So it's only fair."Shadow said in response.

"Yo who thought of fucking playing with a cow's udders?"Addie asked and I sighed."God please....No more..."I said."This is a forbidden topic."Sunshine said."Out of this house,Out!"Floof yelled while holding her teutonic cross out."When were u so....You know."Shadow asked."The moment I crashed into MysMe."Floof answered."Okay but still though,Who thought of it?"Tsoko asked."I'm curious."He continued."Idk exactly who,But a french scientist was first to test it out."Floof said,Putting her phone in her pocket,Assuming she was done playing.

"Okay but just imagine trying to convince ppl to drink it."Addie followed."Hey I'm a french baguette who likes to play with animal's udders to see if they are drinkable."Floof replied and Tsoko laughed."Omfg stop talking about cow udders for one day."I said."Emma,It's a daily tradition at this point."Shadow said and I groaned."Ok fine let's talk about smexy albi-"Floof was about to finish but Me,Sunshine,And Addie cut her off at the same time."No."We all said in unison."Not on my watch!-Not on my watch!"Addie said.

"Is it rlly that bad?"Shadow asked."Ofc"We all responded.

[REMAKE] [EmmaDeath] I hate you!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin