The First Heartbreak

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So high school starts and one thing about Trinidad is that your wear a uniform. No expressing yourself and no showing skin. Basically everyone is the same. So it began. Amanda was in my class and we were still best of friends but who would've guessed it. She got a boyfriend.  So now it's me and my hopeless aim for love with her still, hoping she broke up with him. Now i know what your thinking, " That's wrong of your to think like that. You should be happy for her. She's your best friend"
And i agree but this is my selfish side speaking in this chapter so you gotta go with the flow.
So yea back to this love story. Where was i? Oh yes.  So i lost her. Now I'm here looking again and then apparently me and my no beard, white, chubby self somehow got a girl to tell me she likes me. Her name was Bridgette. We started to talk and we were similar in a lot of stuff. Oh how coincidental you say? I think not. So we dated. We were in the same class but we didn't sit next to each other.  We glanced each other across the room,at the corner of our eyes looking for contact to the soul of the one we love. Okay okay that's enough dramatic, lovey dovey, using big words part of this chapter. 
So we started a relationship.  In Trinidad they don't say boyfriend or girlfriend. They say 'gyul' for the girl and 'man' for the guy.  I know its weird but its how it is.
So she was my gyul and i was her man apparently. Everyday we talked and laughed and for some reason i felt like something was wrong. There would be times she wouldn't talk to me and we would just stare or she would even leave. It continued like that until she eventually broke up with me and now im here like, ' What did i do?'
I'm not gonna lie. I was in love with her to the point i wanted to marry her. Again, this is a 13 year old guy talking about marriage.
Form 2, and 3 went and we tried to be together but she always left, got with another guy and me stupid ass still wanted her back. I don't know. I didn't know right from wrong and my heart over ruled my whole body and mind. We broke up about 6 times within a 3 year period and hear came the last and final one.
One night she was going out and we were texting. She didn't tell me where she was going or anything and in the middle of the conversation,  she stopped replying and left.
Now i didn't know what to think. The dumbass in me decided to care and text her mom and ask her whrr3her daughter went. "By the way, me and her mom were good"
We texted and her mom said she went to a prayers service. I said ok. So i talked to her mom about our situation and i told her mom im going to break up with her. Her mom then starts to tell me how i won't do it and my heart really didn't want to but my brain got the better of me this time.
She came home around 11pm. She texted,
  Her-"Hey wassup?"
Me- " Where have you been?"
And all hell broke loose. She snapped calling me names,  saying i was a waste of time, naming me the worst boyfriend on the face of the earth and i sat there and took it all. The verbal abuse to my ears, the emotional beatings to my heart and that sweet voice, that amazing voice that i thought i loved just sounded like chalk screeching on a chalkboard. I wanted to dig out my ears and rip out my heart so i could never love again.  I told her we are done.
She went crazy. She started telling me she loves me and to not go and her last words were," When i get my new boyfriend, I'll still tell him i love you and i can love no one else but you"

I didn't know what to think. I was disgusted.  I just hung up the phone and blocked her on all social media. She messaged me sms but i didn't respond. That was the end of my first heartbreak.

New word guys
Pickney( pick- knee)
A pickney is like your family,  bunch of friends , close people.

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