Religous Aspect

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Well I'm single now. Now you all would've read the description. A man who wants love but has requirement right? Well let me address one.
Religion. Now I know, religion is a touchy topic and I myself don't like to talk about it but there was this one instance that it came up and i had to speak up.
So there are a vast land of religions around the world and everyone believes in something different. One day my friend Kayla was talking about being a presbyterian and she asked us our view on God. So me being one to engage in conversation i said," There is one God in this world, but in every religion everyone sees them in their own way, their own image. This is how we connect to God. We have an image we can relate to, a way we can see him and praise him. Christianity has Jesus Christ, Islam has Allah and Hinduism has Lord Shiva among many others."there must be a scientific reason behind it. And this is what lead to the disbelief in God overall in every religion. This formed athiests and don't get me wrong. If you choose not to believe in God it's fine. Nobody has the right to discriminate you or punish you. You have a right to freedom of speech and opinion. But nowadays, atheism has reached to a point where the athiests discriminate the people who believe in the religion. Everybody grows up believing in God. Nobody is born an athiest but it is when the leaders of the religions, the Pundits, the Imams and even the Priest decide to neglect  their job which is to spread the word of God and only look for sensuous enlightenment through the work of God is where the younger generation fall. Why is it that the younger generation cannot learn about God the way our parents did? God brought all of us onto this Earth and it is our duty as individuals of each religion to pay our respects to God to show him that we are greatful for life each and everyday. My view on God and religion is this. God was one entity but the human race interpreted him differently, into a form where they were comfortable with and would be able to understand what happened. For example, the 3 kings of Orient, the fight between Ram and Rawan or when Maryam was praying to Allah and an angel appeared infront of her. All these events were said to take place on Earth and scientific research lead to the discovery of evidence that it may have really happened. Now a pro of this is that we know for sure the Bible, Quran and Ramayan weren't lying. But now it leads the scientific mind to prove it was possible to happen and this is where things get out of hand. God never wanted us to seperate, but he wanted us all to be one unit. Having multiple religions to me is very amazing. To see that God is worshipped in various ways and to see the faith in each one is a miracle. Each religion creates an experience for other religions whether it be the simple story, to the culture the religion created or even ornaments that were found and were confirmed to be from the stories of the holy books. The world was made to learn more and more each day, not discriminate eachother. The media portrays different religions very differently than they are really. Like the most famous one, muslims are terrorists, coming down to Hindus become possessed by an evil spirit during worship and finally to where different ways of baptism are seen as inhumane. Doing research before making tall claims by just watching a 1 min clip that went viral can save this planet spiritually. No religion is better than another and it is a real shame to hear the leaders of religions when they say how this religion is worshipped by x and y amount of people more than that religion. What does that have to do with praising God in the end? Absolutely nothing what so ever. Bonding of religions is a lovely thing, just do not comment on eachothers religion. Everyone can live in harmony, it's just for people to change their views on life and to actually open the door rather than peeping through the little hole on it. Respect everyones religion because they see God in that way and nothing is wrong with that.
So Kayla being a presbyterian, a strong one at that, she said," No, there is God alone and he is Jesus Christ."
So we went back and forth and it got heated to a point and we just abandoned the topic. Now I am not mad. She has her view on it and i respect it but to me this is what it was. Her whole life she was only exposed to one religion and that's fine. But she was introduced to others and that's what got her like that but that's just my opinion. Now why am i talking about religion? Well here's why. Religion was a condition for me. Not for her to be my religion but for her to be able to accept mines and allow me to perform my religion and that was a big factor to me. This is why my exes became my exes among other reasons.  This is my biggest thing that kept me from loving fully and it can be a sin or it can be a blessing but that's how my mind is. Bridgette wasn't ok with my religion. She made restrictions on it and i wasn't happy about it because i let her do what she wanted and that was me in all relationships. I gave them what they wanted for them to stay even if it meant me getting hurt over and over and right now I'm crying writing this and it hurts because its true and i won't deny it.

Your new word
Bobolee( Bow- Bow- lee)
It means a stupid person.

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