The Last Year of The Gap

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Form 6 arrived.  We are now officially the oldest in the school. Feeling old now, lord give me back strength to deal with this school.
We got adjusted quickly because it was the same school and we just added a tie to our uniform. In October,  i was home and watching my favorite show Power on my phone when i got an instagram notification on my phone. I didn't bother at first and went about my show. At the end, i checked it and to my surprise, it was Sophie. My heart was like butterflies. It was beating so fast and a huge smile came across my face that i looked like the joker for a min. I opened it and it was a follow request so i accepted it and followed her right back. She then slid in the dm and said," Hey what's up? How are you?".
I replied," I am fine. How about you?".
We started talking like nothing ever happened. I didn't bring up the last break up. I didn't want to lose her again.
She then unblocked me on whatsapp and we called. Every night i resisted the urge to ask her again to be my girlfriend and i kept doing it. I wanted to protect my heart this time and with good reason. Next thing she leaves again, what would i do?

One night we were talking late and it was around 11pm and she came right out with it. She confessed her feelings for me and i was shocked. She told me she wanted me forever and i believed her. I couldn't say anything but just have that memory in my head on how she left. Remember, this would be a long distance relationship and i was afraid.  I rather my love here,  in front of me physically so i could hug her and kiss her but i know i couldn't do that with her. I hesitated until she started to cry on the phone about how much she wanted me. I couldn't take it and i said yes to make her stop crying. I couldn't bear to hear her cry. She meant the world to me.

So here we were again. Another relationship

Alex what are you doing to yourself? You couldn't wait? You couldn't say no?
These were the questions my brain was asking my heart and my heart just said no and accepted her without a second guess.

Your new word
Macco( Mah-co)
To mind someone else's business or be nosey

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