The 3 Year Gap

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Well you guessed it, little old Alex is single again and for a while, hopefully. So you would think me being single would mean i go out and meet new women now. I mean im 17 now, am i not allowed? But i wasn't that type of person. My heart was still set on her. I wanted Sophie but i didn't know where she was or how to contact her. She blocked me on everything. Karma? Probably for what i did Bridgette but at that point in time i didn't give one fuck. I was the same person. Mingled with everyone,  basketball was my main game. Even though i was only 5'4", people could say i was the best in school. On the court i was lethal and well off the court i was a nice guy.  Everyone liked me, there wasn't no hatred for me except my first ex. Did i mention she was in the same school as me still? I had to see her face everyday and she acted like nothing ever happened. It amazed me how good of an actor she was. But it wasn't  a fool proof act. It leaked out. I found out that she still loved me. She still wanted me but by then i got over her. My heart was snatched by Sophie,  hopeless love never knowing if she would come back but better than Bridgette's love, being stabbed in the heart and feeling sick everytime we talked. Apparently she was confessing her love for me to her friends. One day some guys were on the top of the hill of the savannah in our school and they were smoking. Cigarettes of course. The weed phase didn't kick in till next year. Clouds of smoke were pouring out of the hill like there was a factory there. Luckily the breeze was on our side and it blew it away.
Oh and don't worry i wasn't smoking.
So my friend Scott told me that she tells him that she still loves me. That her eyes open wide whenever they talk about me and she smiles. I told him about what happened between us and he was like," Well at least jam it before you lock it off". Now for those who don't know what i mean when i say "jam", it means to have sex. Other terms are like "fling" or " have a fling" or "wuk she". Me being me i wasn't like that. I wouldn't have sex with someone unless there was a connection between us. Friendship was one thing, being me ex another. I didn't want anything to do with her. She was  a pest to me. Oh and let me tell you something that happened that made me speed up the break up with her.

Her 16th  Birthday

It was  a week before he birthday and we fought that whole week. Now I told you already, I'm that guy that would put myself in pain for her to stay and it didn't matter to me. I'd take the pain. That's how messed up my heart is.  So i contemplated waiting till after her birthday to break up with her but it got unbearable.  She was just annoying and so rude. She called me derogatory names and expected me to not say anything.  I got tired of it. I broke up with her the day before her birthday.  I didn't go to the party obviously. The next day at school, my friends Sam came to me and pulled me aside and asked me a question thar that shocked me to my core. He asked me," Did you curse Bridgette's mom out?".
I am not a disrespectful person and i would never, ever talk to an elder as for a woman like that.
She went and told everyone at her birthday part that i cursed her mom out over text and I'm here asking," Did she show you guys proof?"
He said no but then he said,"She showed us the convo and by what it looked like there, you were pretty rude bro".
Now if you didn't know, back in like 2016-17, you could delete other peoples messages on whatsapp and it wouldn't say you deleted a message.

So i showed him the convo  on my phone. Then he understand the bitch she was and her mom was the same way. I don't care. You all can judge me. They basically made me out to be a bastard but it only lasts so long. She tried to blemish my image but nobody really liked her. Down to her own friends didn't like her. She called her best friend a hoe and expected her to be okay with it while she was taking man left, right and centre.

Form 5 rolled around the corner like nothing and it was crunch time. Exams was there watching us like immigration officers watching your passport.
We had a countdown of days till our exams on the board so every morning it went down and down till it came.
And surprisingly it went well. I passed everything with A's and B's, but here in Trinidad, they don't say A or B. They say 1 or 2 or 3. So A's are 1's and B's are 2's and so on. So i got 1's and 2's and a stinking little 3 for Additional Mathematics. I wasn't upset. I was glad that i passed. Could i have done better?
not complaining one bit.

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