Can't Live Without You (1)

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Chapter 1- Practice makes perfect.

I opened my eyes and blinked them a few times to make sure I'm awake. Why am I awake so early? I slip into my cheetah print slippers and get up. I open the door and walk down the creaking wood stairs. It was quiet which meant everyone was still asleep. I walked to the kitchen and sat down on a stool, around the counter. Ms. Anderson's back was facing me and she was humming an unfamiliar tune. "Good morning!" I greeted.

"Good morning," Ms. Anderson said back as she put a plate of waffles in front of me. She never did get surprised. She always knew what we all were doing. No wonder she's a spy in the CIA. She sat across from me and sipped some of her coffee, which kept her awake all the time. No wonder our parents let us stay with her. She knows all of our moves!! "So what are you doing today?" she asked.

"Um, I have no idea. Did Matt call or anything?" I asked. Matt was my co-worker who helps me when I practice and gets me gigs at different places. His father is rich so his father bought him a huge flat in the city, which he lets me stay at. And it's also a close distance from Ms. Anderson's house.

"Uh no. I don't think so. Do you know if your brother will be awake soon?" she asked.

"Nope. I never do. He just wakes up at anytime, unless you wake him yourself." Then the doorbell rang. I rolled my eyes and groaned. That's probably Matt. He's the only person who would ever come here at 7 in the morning. I opened the door and was correct. A tall, young man with brown hair and chocolate brown eyes leaned over the door frame and stared at the sky. It was Matt. He wore jeans that hugged his ass very well and a tight white tee that showed off his muscles. He smiled and let himself in.

"Morning Penny," he said in his thick british accent. Then greeted a smiling Ms. Anderson.

"Good morning Matt. God, did you have to come here so early?" I asked.

He sighed and chuckled at the question I always asked him every morning he would visit. The next time he visits I'll make sure to stay in bed so he couldn't make me practice. "Because Penelope. I have to help you practice." Yup, note to self, make sure to sleep late so I could sleep all day without practicing with Matt.

"But we practice every day and I want to sleep!" I whined.

"Well you know what they say Penny. Practice makes perfect," he said and laughed at me when I glared at him. Bastard. Why would he come here early in the morning?! Who does that? "I'll probably lose my voice with all this practicing," I murmured.

"Please? Matty can I please sleep a bit more and then when I'm refreshed and ready, to practice?" I pleaded with my lip sticking out, and my big brown eyes looking up at him, almost ready to fake cry.

Matt groaned and ran a hand through his sexy brown hair. "Fine Penelope. Go to bed. But I'll be waking you up later! So don't sleep too much!" He called after me. I was already running up the stairs and jumping on my bed.

I woke up to the noise of shuffling and being shaken slightly. My eyes fluttered open but it was still a bit blurry. I reached out my left hand to grab my purple rimmed glasses and put them on my eyes so I could see better. I always needed them in the morning. I blinked a few more times and discovered that it was Matt who was shaking me. I yawned and stretched. I was okay with wearing my glasses around Matt. He's seen me in them about a million times and he actually thinks I look cute in them. "Good morning," I yawned then reached over to my nightstand to get a piece of gum to get rid of my morning breath.

Matt softly chuckled. "More like good afternoon,bud," he said. I looked at him in confusion. He chuckled again and pointed at the digital clock on my dresser.

Can't Live Without You (Sequel to CGEOY)Where stories live. Discover now