16 Minutes Of Life

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He is fidgeting uncontrollably, breathing slowly but the alarm clocks harps happily.

Indicating 16 minutes of more pain.. In between the chaos in his brain he calculates the time, revaluates his plan and awaits death.

16 minutes ago, he swallowed 17 pills. Each one for each scar on his soul...

Something told him each morning to not to wake up for the past few years but today was the day he finally obliged.

He finally gave up to the monsters under his bed and inside his mind..

12 minutes to go, He sees birds chirping at his window. He wants to get up and fly with them but he is a faller not meant to fly.

8 minutes to go, he sees his family smiling in his pictures from years ago and he suddenly wants to see them smile again but knows he is leaving them nothing but misery.

4 minutes to go, pain seeps along with darkness in bright sunny sunday morning in his room and he wants to hold on to darkness and make his way to another agonizing morning until he finally willingly wants to wake up the next morning but he leaves himself no choice.

2 minutes to go, He hears turning of a knob. It's the wind. he wants to smile but he can't. He wants to feel this everyday but he can't.

Someone shouts, Someone cries. It's his consciousness

1 minute and 30 seconds to go, darkness finally embraces him.

After 8 days, he wakes up in a hospital, Smiles widely at his family, Laughs to himself and realises.

It took him only 16 minutes in 17 years of his entire life to learn to live.

A poem about alarming rise in teen suicide. I honestly just want to spread as much awareness as I can through my poems and as a teenager I won't just brag about how suicide is not an option because I know depressing thoughts are common and there are times when suicide seems to be the only option.

But there are many things you can live for, let me name a few;

1. food ( I am pathetic, ik)

2. Hot dudes/ dudettes

3. Global warming (you can contribute to save the world)

4. your friends and family and yes, they FUCKING ( please excuse me) care for you.

5. Future sunsets, sunrises, happiness, madness, love, success, money that awaits you.

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