Wilding in the wilderness.

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There in an obscure little land covered in every color ever known,

Where heart is a wild rebel,

Where most beautiful creatures are the most menacing one's

Creatures, who all have ditched the world and words.

Some say, it's a wild place,

They couldn't survive, the land's beauty tarnished soon after and tainted their dreams.

They say, everyone's a magician there.

Even the sky doesn't limit the people there,

Some people fell and failed

And some felt and flew towards the horizon.

But that's where heart's louder than ever.

And love is in its purest form.

There are only sunrises and sunsets.

No alarm clocks and no computer screens determine their time

No free soul is a slave of any currency,

No one's ever ugly enough not to be loved.

And no one's beautiful enough to be compared with nature.

I have heard, if I listen to what my heart beats say.

I become a citizen to that land.

But I may fall and shatter into pieces which may not be acceptable to the world and to myself.

But 378 days more to go and I'll set myself free,

Let my heart wander, let my imperfections shine, let my facade fall.

And I'll let my heart run wild in the wilderness.


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