The Sound of Life

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Do I not hear the universe clear enough?
In the center of this unimaginable, infinite stretches of the universe,
It hums a verse I don't understand.
I am persistent that it hums the sound of life,
A sound so complex, scary yet relaxing I never heard or noticed.

But as I grow weary of sounds of anxiety, fear, pain and death.
I yearn for a different voice or sound.
I wonder one day,
Do I hear life at the shores of sea?
Or in the calms of dense forests?
Or in my mother's intellects?
Or in my own heart beat?

This search, this thirst inflates like a cloud and hovers over my head,
And finally bursts in the presence of two little ladies barely 3 and a half foot.
One older than other,
I, though, barely see a difference.
Two front teeth knocked out,
Two pairs of grey and golden eyes that twitches under harsh sunlight and speak innocence.
The skin that is not yet touched by the treacherous claws of this world.

As these ladies laugh at each other,
They stop for a mere moment to look at me.
All I could look at was their wide stretched lips that seemed to put infinite stretches of universe to shame.
I stare for some few eternities,
Or least what it felt like.

And then amongst this loud world,
They laugh louder than anything else.
Laugh as no one could hear but I could
And I did.
I heard the sound of life that day.. A sound so perfectly rhythmic and harmonic
That till this date echoes in my moments of void and hopelessness

Hola peeps,
This time, the topic might seem a little weird to some readers but this poem is based on my own personal experience that I tried to put in words and that is why it took me a lot of time to write this.
Tell me what according to you is sound of life in comment section and if you haven't discovered it yet, I personally recommend you guys to listen to the Sufi song called 'In The Shadow of Life' by Niyaz even if you are an atheist.

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