End This

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Taehyun sat on a chair near the hospital bed holding Beomgyu's hand. "Please wake up..."he whispered as he used his free hand to caress his boyfriend's cheek. Beomgyu's hand twitched and his eyes slowly opened.

"Beomgyu!"Taehyun gasped, but Beomgyu said nothing back and stared at him. His eyes stared up as he displayed a smile, but his eyes showed sadness. The older boy ripped his hand away from Taehyun and turned away.

"Why don't you go back to that girl?"Beomgyu gently said as he stared at the flowers. Taehyun shook his head. "B-Beommie, s-she f—"

"I don't want to see you right now!"Beomgyu raised his voice as he let his tears fall as he buried himself in the blanket. "Please get out."Beomgyu softly said. Taehyun shook his head once again and his eyes lit up in anger as he got up and turned around.

"RIGHT! I'LL GO WITH HER JUST LIKE YOU WANTED!"Taehyun yelled at he stomped away as Beomgyu began sobbing silently.

"You know what?"

"This relationship caused to much problems.
And those problems costed just way too much.
And why was it caused?
Because of YOU!
So, if we leave each other's lives we can just live happily and peacefully.
Let's end this."

"And if you leave, I won't be happy.
Because you mean everything to me."
Beomgyu gently whispered.

ECLIPSE - TAEGYU ✓Where stories live. Discover now